Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to Convert CSV File to Excel

Save CSV File as Excel Spreadsheet
1. Open Excel and click 'File' and then click 'Open.'
2. Click the down arrow next to 'Look in' to locate the folder containing the CSV file.
3. Use the down arrow next to 'Files of type' and select 'Text Files (*.prn; *.txt; *.csv).'
4. Double-click the CSV file to open it.
5. Click 'File' and then select 'Save As.'
6. Use the down arrow next to 'Save as type' and select your desired Excel version format; click 'Save.'
Import CSV File to Excel
7. Open Excel and click 'Data' and then point to 'Import External Data.'
8. Click 'Import Data.'
9. Use the down arrow next to 'Files of type' and select 'Text Files (*.txt; *.prn; *.csv; *.tab; *.asc).'
10. Click the down arrow next to 'Look in' to locate the folder containing the CSV file and then click 'Open.'
11. Click 'Next' three times, using the wizard default settings. Next, click 'Finish' and then click 'OK.'
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How to Copy a Worksheet in Excel 2003

1. Open your Excel worksheet.
2. Highlight the entire worksheet or those cells with text in them. To highlight the entire worksheet quickly, press 'Ctrl A.' For individual cells, hold down the Ctrl key and click on each cell or drag the mouse across a group of cells.
3. To copy the selection, press 'Ctrl C.' Or you can click on the 'Edit' button in the top toolbar and select 'Copy' from the list of options.
4. Paste into a new worksheet.
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How to Place a Tick in an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open your Excel workbook and navigate to the specific spreadsheet that needs to have a tick. The spreadsheets in the workbook are listed at the bottom of the window. Click the specific cell where you want the tick to be placed.
2. Navigate to the 'Insert' tab at the top of the screen, which is positioned to the left of the 'Page Layout' tab and to the right of the 'Home' tab. Click the 'Symbol' button in the 'Text' heading at the top-right side of the window.
3. Click the 'Font' drop-down menu and select the 'Wingdings' option. Scroll down to the bottom row of the available Wingdings symbols. Click the specific tick option you want to use and click 'Insert' to place the tick in your selected spreadsheet cell.
Check Box
4. Open the workbook you want to use and navigate to the appropriate sheet. Click the 'Developer' tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen. The 'Developer' tab is at the far right side, to the immediate right of the 'View' tab.
5. Click the 'Insert' button in the 'Controls' heading, which is located to the right of the 'Code' heading. Click the 'Check Box' option underneath the 'Form Control' sub-heading.
6. Click the location on your spreadsheet where you want the tick box to be placed. Click the edge of the box and drag it if you need to move it to a different location. Highlight the text in the box and press 'Backspace.' Type whatever text you need to appear next to the tick box.
7. Press 'Enter' to save the tick box. Click the box to add the tick, or click it again to remove the tick.
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How to Create a Pie Chart in Excel 2007

1. Enter the data series in an Excel 2007 worksheet. Type the labels for the data series into the cells in one column. Type the numbers for the data series into the corresponding cells in the next column. For example, you might enter the name of each sales team into the cells in column 'A' and their corresponding sales figures into the cells in column 'B.'
2. Select the cells containing the data series by clicking on the first cell in the series, holding the mouse button down and dragging the pointer over the rest of the cells in the series.
3. Go to the 'Insert' tab of the ribbon. Click 'Pie' in the 'Charts' group.
4. Choose the subtype of pie chart you want to use, such as 'Exploded Pie' or '3-D Pie.' The pie chart appears on the current worksheet.
5. Click on the pie chart to select it. Go to the 'Design' tab under 'Chart Tools' to select a different chart style. Go to the 'Layout' tab to add effects such as '3-D Rotation.' Save the worksheet by clicking the 'Save' button on the 'Quick Access Toolbar.'
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How to Drag Chart Markers to Change Data in Excel 2007

1. Enter any additional data you wish to add to the chart in cells that are adjacent to your existing worksheet data.
2. Use your mouse to select the chart by left-clicking in the chart area. Notice that a blue rectangle appears around the existing worksheet data used to generate the chart.
3. Move your mouse over one of the corners of the blue rectangle that is adjacent to the new data you just entered. A 2-sided arrow will appear. Drag the blue sizing handle to include the new data and labels in the rectangle.
4. Left-click and hold on the 2-sided arrow, then drag it to increase the size of the rectangle to include all the new data you have just entered. When you release the mouse button, the chart will automatically update to show the new data.
5. Add new data series only, as well as new categories and data points, by dragging the green and purple sizing handles respectively. Green and purple rectangles will also appear when you select the chart, if applicable, just as the blue rectangle did in Step 2.
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How to Create Stacked Bar Chart

1. Open your spreadsheet program. If you do not have a spreadsheet program, check out the link below for a free trial of Microsoft Excel, which has the appropriate functionality to create stacked bar charts.
2. Populate the spreadsheet with the data for which you want to create a stacked bar chart. Note that you will need to have at least two values for one category in order create a stacked bar chart.
3. Click the 'Insert' drop down menu and select the 'Chart' option. This action will launch the 'Chart Wizard' in a separate window.
4. Click once on the 'Bar' option under the 'Chart type' listings.
Click once on the 'Stacked bar' option under the 'Chart sub-type' listings.
Click once on the 'Next' button.
5. Choose the 'Rows' option on Step 2 of the 'Chart Wizard' window.
Adjust the data range, if necessary, by clicking in the first cell of the range and dragging to the last while holding down the mouse button.
Click the 'Next' button.
Click the 'Next' button on step 3 of the 'Chart Wizard' window.
Choose whether you want the stacked bar chart to appear in the same sheet as the source data or on a new sheet.
Click the 'Finish' button to view your stacked bar chart.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to Build a Waterfall Chart in Excel

1. Open a new spreadsheet in Excel.
2. Place your data in column C, starting at cell C5. For example, you might have a list of children’s heights.
3. Write the word “Total” in cell B5.
4. Fill in column B with item numbers. Each piece of data in column C should have an item number in the cell to the left. Run the numbers sequentially, starting at “Item 1.” For example, in cell 6 write “Item 1” and in cell 7 write “item 2.” Continue writing item numbers until each piece of data in column C has a corresponding item number.
5. In column D, Sum the numbers below the current row for each item listed in column C. For example, in cell C6, click on the cell and add the formula “=sum(c7:C$11)” into cell D6.
6. Place a zero in the total and last item fields in column D.
7. Highlight all of the data in your spreadsheet by left-clicking at the top left corner of your data and dragging the cursor down to the bottom right.
8. Insert a column chart into the spreadsheet. In Excel 2003, run the chart wizard and choose “column.” In Excel 2007, click the “Insert” tab and then choose “Column-2D Column.”
9. Hide the set of columns that you do not want to appear on your chart. Left-click on the set of bars and choose “Format Data Series.” In Excel 2003, click the series order tab and then move series 2 over series 1. Then click on the “Patterns” tab and click the radio tab next to “none” for area and border. In Excel 2003, select “Fill” and then click the 'no fill' radio button. Set the Gap Width to 'no gap' by moving the slider.
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How to Determine Quarter in Excel 2003

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Type a date in cell A1. For example, type '4/11/2010' in cell A1.
3. Type the following formula in cell A2, '=CHOOSE(MONTH(A1),'Q1','Q1','Q1','Q2','Q2','Q2','Q3','Q3','Q3','Q4','Q4','Q4') '-' RIGHT(YEAR(A1),2).' Cell A2 now displays 'Q2-10.'
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How to Footnote in Excel

1. Select the 'Page Layout' tab.
2. Click on the dialog box launcher on the 'Page Setup' group. The dialog box launcher is the little arrow in the bottom right corner of the box. The 'Page Setup' window will pop up.
3. Click on the 'Sheets' tab.
4. Locate the 'Comments' drop down menu. Select 'At end of sheet.' This will make sure all of your footnotes appear at the bottom of the document.
5. Click 'Print.' All comments that are hyperlinked to a cell will be included below the spreadsheet.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to Print a Chart in Microsoft Excel With Lines

1. Open the Microsoft Excel document that you want to print with gridlines.
2. Click on the worksheet tab that you want to print, in the bottom left of the document.
3. Highlight all of the cells and gridlines that you want to print.
4. Click on the 'Page Layout' tab and find the 'Print Area' group. Click 'Set Print Area' to select the highlighted cells as the printable area of the document. This is an optional step. Note that if you do not set the print area, Excel will only print the data and its accompanying cells.
5. Locate the 'Sheet Options' group in the 'Page Layout' tab. Place a checkmark next to 'Print' in the 'Gridlines' section.
6. Preview the document by pressing 'Ctrl' and 'F2' simultaneously. This opens the 'Print Preview' window. Click 'Close Print Preview.' Make necessary changes and repeat this step until you are happy with your document.
7. Click the 'Office' button in the top left of the window and select 'Print.' Click 'OK' to print the document with lines.
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How to Create Graphs in Excel with Multiple Columns

1. Enter the data for the desired chart into an Excel spreadsheet. Title any columns or rows as required.
2. Highlight all data you wish to include in the chart. To highlight cells, click your mouse, and while holding down, drag it to include all desired information.
3. Click the 'Insert' tab, and in the charts group, click 'Column.' Select the 2-D stacked column chart and it will be generated automatically.
4. Edit the layout and style of the chart, label the various components and edit the size of the chart by clicking on the chart to generate a chart tools tab with three sub-tabs of design, layout and format.
5. Save your work by clicking 'File' then 'Save As' and a window pops up. Insert a name for the file and click 'Save.'
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How to Merge a Last Name and First Name in Excel 2007

1. Launch Microsoft Excel. Locate the spreadsheet that contains your name information and open the file.
2. Click in the first cell of an empty column beyond the spreadsheet area that contains your data. Click 'Insert Function' from the 'Function Library' group of the 'Formulas' command tab and choose 'Text' from the list in the dialog box.
3. Select 'Concatenate' from the 'Select a function' list and click on the 'OK' button. Click in the 'Text1' box in the dialog box and enter the ID of the cell that contains the part of the name--last or first--that you want to be the first part of your concatenated text. To choose the cell by clicking on it instead of entering its ID, click on the 'Collapse Dialog' button. It looks like a set of spreadsheet cells with a small red arrow pointing up toward the top left corner of the button. Once the dialog box is out of your way, click on the cell that contains your desired data, then click on the 'Restore Dialog' button. This button has a small red arrow pointing down from a box that represents a cell boundary.
4. Type a double quote mark into the 'Text2' box, followed by any text you want to appear between the two parts of the name, then another double quote mark. If you're combining last name first, then first name, you'll want a comma and a space between the names, so you'll type ', ' in the 'Text2' box. If you're combining first and last names in that order, you'll only need a space between them, so just type ' ' in the 'Text2' box.
5. Type the ID of the cell that contains the second part of the name into the 'Text3' box in the 'Function Arguments' dialog box. The ID consists of a reference to the cell by its column letter and row number. To choose by clicking on the cell that contains your data, click the 'Collapse Dialog' button next to the text field, click on the data cell, then click the 'Restore Dialog' button.
6. Click on the 'OK' button when you have finished entering or selecting all your data and cell IDs. Your concatenated text now shows in the cell, while the 'Formula Bar' at the top of your document shows the formula you constructed in the 'Function Arguments' dialog box.
7. Propagate your formula down the column of cells by placing your pointing device at the bottom-right corner of the cell in which you entered your formula and dragging down till you reach the end of your data. When you release the pointing device, you'll see your formula applied throughout the column, with the cell references updated to use the data from each row.
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Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to Reduce Padding in Excel 2007 Cells

1. Start Excel 2007 and open the spreadsheet from which you want to remove padding.
2. Highlight the columns from which you want to remove the padding. Place the cursor between any two highlighted column headers. The cursor changes to a double arrow. Double click and the width reduces to the minimum needed to display the contents of the column or columns.
3. Highlight the rows from which you want to remove padding and double click between rows to remove it.
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How to Use a Cell as a Checkbox in Excel 2007

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 file to which you want to add checkboxes, then click on the “Microsoft Office” button. Click on “Excel Options” at the bottom of the window.
2. Click to select the box next to the “Show Developer tab in the Ribbon” field, then click “OK.”
3. Click on the “Developer” tab, then click “Insert” in the “Controls” group. Select the “Check box” option from the “Form Controls” section.
4. Use your mouse to select the cell in your worksheet in which you want the checkboxes to appear.
5. Click the “Developer” tab again and select “Properties.” Click the box next to the “Checked” field to make sure a check mark can be displayed in your added checkboxes.
6. Click “OK” and the checkboxes will be added to your worksheet.
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How to Use Excel's CONVERT Function

1. Learn the syntax for CONVERT. It's CONVERT(number,old_unit,new_unit) where number is the value to convert, old_unit is the current units of the value and new_unit is the units to which to convert the value.
2. Install the Analysis ToolPak if CONVERT returns the #NAME? error value. Select the Add-Ins menu item from the Tools menu, check the box next to the Analysis ToolPak and click on the OK button to install the Analysis ToolPak.
3. Interpret the error values for CONVERT. It will return the #VALUE! error value if the number is not a numerical value. CONVERT will return the #N/A error value if either unit does not exist or the units are for different measures.
4. Refer to the CONVERT function help topic in Excel for the complete list of units that can be used with CONVERT. This list is extensive and includes all standard units of measure.
5. Look at some examples of CONVERT. =CONVERT(6,'C','F') will return 42.8. 'C' stands for Celsius and 'F' stands for Fahrenheit. 6 degrees C is therefore equal to 42.8 degrees F. Similarly, =CONVERT(6,'in','ft') will be 0.5 because 6 inches is equal to half a foot. =CONVERT(6,'ft','sec') will return the #N/A error value because feet and seconds measure different things.
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