1. Click on the Start button on the lower left-hand side of your screen. Point to All Programs at the bottom, to Microsoft Office, and then click on 'Microsoft Office Excel 2007.'
2. Click on the top-left circular Microsoft button and click on the second option, Open. Search for the excel spreadsheet you want to sort alphabetically on the left hand panel and double-click the folder it is located in with the main, right-hand panel. Double-click on the file name and click on Open.
3. Determine if the column of text you want to sort alphabetically corresponds to the any or all of the columns of text within that one spreadsheet. For example, a column of student names would correspond to student exam grades, essay grades, and overall grade point average (GPA).
4. Highlight all of the columns that correspond to each other. Do not highlight the column titles, such as 'Name' or 'Averages.'
5. Click on the Data button, the fifth option on the ribbon.
6. Click on the Sort option near the middle of the ribbon.
7. Click on the first arrow on the left-hand side next to 'Sort by' and choose the column you want to be sorted alphabetically. Click on the last arrow on the right-hand side and choose A-Z sorting or Z-A sorting.
8. Click on 'Add level' if you want to sort by other data after that one alphabetical column from the last step. You will want to include all of the columns associated to the first column you sorted by. For example, if you sort student names alphabetically you will want to sort all of the grades with the names. Click on the drop-down arrow right next to 'Then By' and choose the next column. Click on the last arrow on the right-most side and choose how you want the data sorted; if it's numeric data, it will say 'Smallest to Largest' or 'Largest to Smallest.'
9. Repeat step 8 to sort however many cells you wish.