1. Launch Microsoft Excel and open a spreadsheet.
2. Create a new module by pressing Alt F11 and selecting “Module” under the “Insert” menu. A new window will appear.
3. Open a web browser and go to ozgrid.com/VBA/CurrencyToWords.htm.
4. Highlight and copy, by pressing Ctrl C, the blue text that begins with “Function ConvertCurrency...” and ends with “End Function” near the very bottom of the web page.
5. Paste the copied text into the module window by pressing Ctrl V. This will create a new function that you can now use in Excel.
6. Go to the cell that you wish to display currency in words.
7. Type in “=ConvertCurrencyToEnglish()” with the numerical value of the currency between the brackets. The currency will be converted to words. For instance, “=ConvertCurrencyToEnglish(12.30)” will display as “Twelve Dollars And Thirty Cents.”