Sunday, September 23, 2012

How to Compare Files in Microsoft Excel

Compare by Size
1. Save the file in comma separated values format. Use similar file names, such as file1.csv and file2.csv. This method only works for worksheets containing data, not formulas.
2. Go to the start menu and select 'Accessories,' select 'Command Prompt.'
3. Change the directory of the command prompt to the directory where the files are stored. For example, it will start with 'C:\Users\Joe.' Type 'cd Documents' to work within the Documents folder; the directory prompt will then read 'C:\Users\Joe\Documents.'
4. Type 'comp file1.csv file2.csv' using your filenames from the folder where the files are stored. If they are the same size, command prompt will assume they are the same and tell you that 'Files compare OK.' If they are not, command prompt will advise 'Files are different sizes.'
Compare Lists With a Macro
5. Open the Visual Basic Editor and select the primary file from the left menu as VBAProject[file1.xlsm].' Select 'Insert' and 'Module' from the menu at the top.
6. Create a macro in visual basic that will run through an if/then loop comparing the text of each cell in the primary file with a secondary file. Give it a logical name, such as 'CompareFiles().' The code must output a list of data that is different in a new sheet in the primary file. Close the Visual Basic Editor and save the file.
7. Click on the 'View' tab at the top of the main navigation; Select 'Macros' and then 'View Macros.' Select the new macro from the list and click 'Run.'
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How to Delete Excel Rows Based on Date

1. Open up your workbook in Excel. If you are using Excel 2007, you need to display the 'Developer' tab if it isn't already showing. To do this, click on the 'Office' button and then 'Excel Options.' Click on 'Show Developer Tab' and click 'OK.'
2. Create a new macro. In Excel 2007, click on the Developer tab and then 'Macro.' In earlier versions, click on 'Tools' in the toolbar and then 'Macro.' Name the macro, 'DeleteRowbyDate' and then click 'Create.' The Visual Basic editor appears.
3. Copy and paste the following code into the Visual Basic editor between the lines, Sub DeleteRowbyDate() and End Sub:Dim x As Long
For x = 1 To Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
Debug.Print Cells(x, 'B').Value
If CDate(Cells(x, 'B'))
Cells(i, 'B').EntireRow.delete
End If
Next iOn the line where it says, ' If CDate(Cells(x, 'B'))
4. Close the Visual Basic editor. It automatically saves to the macro. When you want to run the macro and delete the rows, go back to 'Macros,', select the 'DeleteRowsbyDate' macro and click 'Run.'
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Saturday, September 22, 2012

How to Edit VBA in Excel 2007

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007, select the 'Developer' tab and click 'Record Macro.' Leave everything as default and click 'OK.' Select 'A1' and type 'I'm going to edit VBA in Excel 2007' and press 'Enter.'
2. Click 'Stop Recording' in the 'Code' pane. Click 'Macros,' select 'Macro1' and click 'Step Into.' The Microsoft Visual Basic window will open and you will see the macro code that you recorded.
3. Click the 'Run' menu and select 'Reset' to stop the macro execution. Under 'Range ('A2').Select' type the following to add another row of text to 'A3':Range('A3').SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = 'I edited VBA by adding another line of text'Range('A4').Select
4. Run 'Macro1' by pressing 'F5.'
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How to Upgrade for Excel 2003

Upgrade to Office 2007
1. Insert your Microsoft Office 2007 installation disk, or double-click the 'Setup.exe' file in the installation pack you downloaded from an online retailer.
2. Enter your 25-digit Product Key when prompted and click 'Continue' when a green check mark appears.
3. Check the box to accept the license agreement and click 'Continue.'
4. Select 'Upgrade' from the installation options.
5. Wait as the program installs. It may take 15 minutes or more to finish installing.
6. Restart the computer when prompted.
Upgrade to Office 2010
7. Insert your Office 2010 installation disk and click 'Customize.'
8. Select 'Remove all previous versions' to remove Office 2003 and click 'Upgrade.' This will uninstall Office 2003, but it will not not delete any of your Office documents.
9. Click 'Upgrade' again to begin installation, which may take 15 minutes or more to finish.
10. Click 'Close' to exit the installer.
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How to Make a Double Bar Graph

1. Open an Excel spreadsheet.
2. Enter the data that needs to be charted, making sure to save frequently to insure no work is lost.
3. Click 'Insert' on the tool bar.
4. Go down to 'Chart' and right click the mouse. This opens the Excel Chart Wizard. This allows you to customize the type of chart you want to use to best show the data.
5. Choose 'Column' and select the double bar graph pictured among the choices.
6. Click 'Next' at the bottom of the list of options located at the bottom of the chart wizard.
7. Select the cells that hold the information you are charting. Place your mouse at the top of the first cell. Right click your mouse and do not let go. Drag to the bottom corner of the last cell of data and then let go of the mouse. This will create a box around the data you need to chart.
8. Keep the Excel Chart Wizard open and you will notice that the cell formula is auto entered for you.
9. Select 'Next' from the bottom of the Excel Chart Wizard for the next two options. This tells the chart wizard what to do with the specified data.
10. Choose 'Titles' from the top of the Excel Chart Wizard to enter a title for your graph, likewise choose 'Data Labels' and 'Data Table' to place text in the graph for easier understanding.
11. Select 'Next' to determine if you want the graph to show in the Excel Spreadsheet or if you want to show it as a separate page.
12. Click on 'Finish' to close the Excel Chart Wizard. Your graph will appear as you have selected.
13. Right click on 'Legend' on the graph itself to make changes. Choose 'Format Legend' from the choices and you are then able to change colors, add text, change fonts or add borders.
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Friday, September 21, 2012

How to Create a Checklist in Excel

1. Open the Excel software. Locate the A-1 cell at the top left of the spreadsheet table.
2. Double-click the A-1 cell. This will enable you to enter text. You can enter a header for your list, like 'Things To Do.'
3. Enter each task or duty into the subsequent cells in the A column. Double-click each cell to enter text.
4. Enter a header in the B-1 column such as 'Complete/Incomplete' or 'Status.' As you finish each task, you can make a note of it in the corresponding B-column cell.
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How to Convert HTML Documents to Excel Spreadsheet Files

The Open Command
1. Open your Web browser, then navigate to a Web page you'd like to convert to an Excel spreadsheet.
2. Click your browser's 'File' menu and select 'Save as' or 'Save Page as.' Type a name for the file, then click 'Save.' Jot down the folder into which you saved the file. This file is the stored Web page you'll convert to an Excel spreadsheet.
3. Open Excel, then click the Office button.
4. Select the 'Open' command, then navigate to the Web page you saved to your hard drive in step 2.
5. Double click the file to open it. Excel will import both text and graphics into the current spreadsheet.
6. Click the Office button, then click the 'Save as' command.
7. Type a file name for the workbook and click any item in the 'Type' drop-down list that says 'Excel.'
8. Click 'Save' to save the converted HTML document as an Excel file type.
Use the Data Tab
9. Open Excel, then click the 'Data' tab.
10. Click the 'From Web' button. Excel displays a small browser window. You'll notice small black arrows with yellow backgrounds displayed here and there on the page. These indicate portions of the Web page you can convert to Excel.
11. Click the top most arrow, then click the 'Import' button. Excel will display a dialog box asking you to choose the location for the imported data. Click 'OK' to accept the default option, which is the current spreadsheet. Excel will load the text of the Web page portion you selected.
12. Click the disk icon in the Quick Access toolbar at the top left of the application window.
13. Type a file name for the converted Web page, then click one of the 'Excel' file types in the 'Type' drop-down box.
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How Do I Freeze Frames in Excel 2007?

1. Place your cursor in the first cell from the top and left that you don’t want frozen.
2. Click the “View” tab.
3. Click the “Freeze Panes” drop-down.
4. Click “Freeze Panes.'
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How to Make an S

1. Enter your data in the Excel spreadsheet. For example, you may want to track the growth of sales by month. So you would label the month in the first column and then enter the sales numbers in the second column.
2. Click and drag on the spreadsheet to select the data you want included in your chart. Also include any relevant labels, such as the months and the column headings.
3. Click the 'Insert' tab and then click the arrow under the 'Scatter' button in the 'Charts' section. Select either 'Scatter with Smooth Lines' or 'Scatter with Smooth Lines and Marks.' The chart will be displayed on your spreadsheet.
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

How to Create Target Lines in Excel Charts

1. Locate the chart data on your Excel worksheet. If you aren't sure which data was used for the chart, click once on the chart: the chart data will be bordered by a blue line on the worksheet.
2. Click on the first blank cell to the right of your chart data. If you don't have a blank column directly to the right of your chart data, create one: right click, then click 'Insert' and then click 'Entire column.'
3. Type your target. For example, if your graph consists of sales figures and your target sales goal is 20 units, type '20.'
4. Click the fill handle for the cell. The cell looks like a little black square at the bottom right of the cell. Drag it down the column to the last row in your chart data. This action copies the input for the cell (in this example, 20) to all cells in the column. This is the dummy series for your chart.
5. Highlight the entire chart data area, including the dummy series. To highlight the data, left click at the top left of the cells and then drag the cursor to the bottom right.
6. Click the 'Insert' tab. Select the chart type you want displayed. For example, click 'Column' and then click '2D.' Excel will insert the chart into the spreadsheet.
7. Click the dummy series on the chart, then click 'Change Chart Type.' Change the chart type to 'Line.'
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Change the Footer in Excel 2007

1. Open the Excel document containing the footer that you would like to change. On the tab bar at the top of the page, locate and click the 'Insert' tab.
2. Click on the 'Header and Footer' button located in the text group on the right-hand side. Clicking this button displays the design tab. The header and footer tools located within this tab will allow you to create a new header or footer as well as edit the current header or footer.
3. Click the 'Go to Footer' button within the navigation group. Insert text by simply typing the text you want to appear as your footer within the footer text box. If you are changing an existing footer, delete the text or graphic that is already there, and replace it with whatever text or graphic you want to appear.
4. Select the desired cell where you want the footer to appear or where the current footer exists. Click and type text or choose pre-formatted data.
5. Click on the appropriate button within the header and footer elements group, such as page number, current date or file name, to use any of the pre-formatted data.
6. Navigate back to the body of your document and continue by clicking the 'Home' tab.
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How to Autosave Microsoft Office Documents Every 60 Seconds

1. Open your Microsoft (Word, Excel, PPoint, Access Etc.) document.
In Office 2007, e.g. Word, Click on the Office Button in the top left hand corner of your document.
3. Click on the Word Options button at the bottom of the Drop-Down Menu.
In the left pane, Click on the Save option and under the 'Save Documents' heading ensure that the 'Save AutoRecovery Information every' Checkbox has a tick in it.
In the dropdown list that is directly to the right, type 1 or use the arrow keys to decrease the number from 10 to 1. Click Ok to close the dialog box and you are done.
6. In Office XP-2003, (Word, Excel, PPoint, Access Etc.), Go to 'Tools' choose 'Options' from the menu and in the dialog box, Click on the 'Save' tab and you will see the same feature similar to Office 2007, make your changes and click ok to accept the changes and you are done.
Next time office crashes in the middle of your work AutoRecovery would have saved the last 60 seconds of your edited document(s) for you.
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How to Make a Sorted List on Excel

1. Start Excel 2010 using the shortcut in the Microsoft Office folder, and open the spreadsheet containing data that you want to sort.
2. Click the button between the 'A' and '1' in the upper-left corner of the window to highlight all of the data in the spreadsheet. Alternatively, click and drag the mouse pointer across the letters at the top of the window to highlight only certain columns. If you do this, the data in the columns not highlighted remains in its current location after sorting.
3. Click the 'Home' tab at the top of the window.
4. Click the 'Sort Filter' button in the 'Editing' section of the top toolbar, and then click an option such as 'Sort A to Z,' 'Sort Smallest to Largest' or 'Sort Oldest to Newest' to sort the data automatically. The options available are context-sensitive and vary depending on the leftmost column selected. To sort by multiple columns, select 'Custom Sort' and continue.
5. Click the drop-down menu next to 'Sort by,' and select the first column that you want to use for sorting.
6. Click the drop-down menu under 'Order,' and select the sort order for the selected column such as 'Oldest to Newest.'
7. Click the 'Add Level' button to add an additional column to the sorting criteria, and then repeat steps 5 and 6. If multiple rows have matching information in the first selected column, Excel sorts them according to the second column selected. You can add as many columns to the sorting criteria as you like.
8. Click 'OK' to sort the data according to the criteria you selected.
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How to Remove Old Items in a PivotTable Drop

1. Right-click on any cell in the PivotTable.
2. Click 'PivotTable Options' from the drop-down menu. A small window will appear.
3. Select the 'Data' tab at the top of the new window.
4. Click on the drop-down arrow under the 'Retain items deleted from the data source' areas. Choose 'None' from the list and click 'OK' at the bottom of the window.
5. Select the 'Options' tab at the top of the screen, directly underneath 'PivotTable Tools.'
6. Click 'Refresh' in the 'Data' area of the toolbar. Your PivotTable should briefly flash and all deleted entries will now be removed from drop-down boxes in the PivotTables.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to Calculate Softball Standings With Excel

1. Launch Microsoft Excel 2010 to open a new spreadsheet. Click on cell 'A1' and type 'Team Name' into the cell. Click on cell 'A2' and enter the name of the first team. Continue to enter names down the first column until you have entered the name of every team.
2. Select cell 'B1' and type 'Wins' into this cell. Select cell 'B2' and enter the number of wins for the team listed in cell 'A2.' Repeat this process for every team.
3. Click on the cell at the top of the next empty column and type 'Winning Percentage' into this cell. Click on the next cell in this column and enter the following formula:=(B2 (D2*0.5))/SUM(B2:D2)If ties are worth a third of a win in your league, enter '0.3333' instead of '0.5.' If your league does not track ties, use the following formula instead:=B2/SUM(B2:B3)Press 'Enter' to complete your formula.
4. Move your mouse over the small fill-handle in the lower right corner of the cell that contains your formula. Click and drag the mouse down to the last row that contains team information and release the mouse button. Excel will automatically copy the formula down the entire column.
5. Click on cell 'A1.' Click the 'Insert' tab at the top of the screen, then click the 'Table' button in the Tables area of the ribbon. Excel will automatically select every cell where you entered data, so just click 'OK' in the Create Table window to continue.
6. Click the drop-down arrow next to the 'Winning Percentage' cell and choose 'Sort Largest to Smallest' from the menu. Your softball standings will now be sorted by winning percentage, placing the best teams at the top of the standings.
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