Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to Disable One Macro in Excel 2003 Using the VBA

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2003 software and access the worksheet containing the macro you need to disable. Navigate to the 'Tools' option at the top of the screen and click the 'Macro' option.
2. Select the 'Macros' entry and click 'This Workbook' to see a list of macros associated with the spreadsheet. Scroll through the list and click the name of the macro you need to disable.
3. Click 'Delete' to remove the macro from the worksheet. Close the 'Macros' window and return to the 'Tools' menu if you want to disable a macro by manually deleting the code.
4. Choose the 'Macro' option and select the 'Visual Basic Editor' entry. Click the name of the worksheet at the left end of the window that contains the macro.
5. Scroll down to the start of the macro, which begins with 'Sub MacroName().' Highlight the opening segment of the macro and scroll down to the ending 'End Sub' command. Press the 'Backspace' key to delete the macro.
6. Click 'File' and choose 'Save' to save the changes to the VBA code.
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How to Use Excel to Solve a Polynomial

1. Input the coefficients into separate cells in row 4 in Excel, starting at cell 'B4.' for example, if you have a cubic equation x^3 - 2x^2 - 3x, then your coefficients are 1, -2, 6 and -3. Click on cell 'B4' and type '1', then click on cell 'C4' and type '-2,' then click on cell 'D4' and type '6,' then click on cell 'E4' and type '-3.'
2. Click on cell 'B6' and type a guess for the value of X. If you have no idea of what the value might be, just type '0.'
3. Click on cell 'G4' and then type the full equation into the cell. In this example, the equation would be 'x^3 - 2x^2 - 3x.'
4. Click on the 'Data' tab, then click on 'What-If Analysis,' in the Data Tools group and then click 'Goal Seek.'
5. Click on the 'Set cell' text box and type 'G4.'
6. Click on the 'To value' text box and then type '0.'
7. Click on the 'By changing cell' text box and then type '$B$6.'
8. Click on 'OK.' Excel will solve the polynomial and return the result in cell B6 (the initial guess box).
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How to Consolidate Data in Microsoft Excel 2003

Consolidate Data by Position
1. Open the Excel worksheets that you want to consolidate. Check to make sure that there are no blank spaces within each range.
2. Open a new worksheet. Copy and paste the range from each worksheet that you wish to consolidate that you wish to consolidate into the new worksheet.
3. Select each range one at a time. Click “Named Cells” located on the toolbar. Click “Formulas.” Click “Name a Range.” A pop-up box will open. Type the range name into the “Name” field. Click “Save.” Create a name for each range.
4. Open the master worksheet where you plan to consolidate the data.
5. Click onto the cell in the upper left hand corner of the area where you want to place the consolidated data in the master worksheet, making sure to choose an area with enough room on all sides of the worksheet for all of the data you will be consolidating or you will lose data in the consolidation process.
6. Click “Data Tools” on the master worksheet. Click “Data.” Click “Consolidate.” Click on the function you wish to use in the “Function” box which opens.
7. Click “Browse” if the worksheets you want to locate are in a different workbook. Choose the location from the drop-down menu and click “Okay.”
8. Type into the range dialog box the name that you gave the range of data that you wish to consolidate. Click “Add.” Do this step for all of the ranges that you wish to consolidate.
9. Click to check the “Create links to source data” box if you want the master worksheet to be updated automatically when you add data to the worksheets in a different workbook. This function only works if you are consolidating data from different workbooks. To update the data manually, uncheck this box. Do not fill out the boxes in the “Use Labels” categories.
10. Click “Save.”
Consolidate Data by Category
11. Open the Excel worksheets that you want to consolidate. Check to make sure that there are no blank spaces within each range and that each range is formatted with label titles located in the top row, left column, or both.
12. Open a new worksheet. Copy and paste the range from each worksheet that you wish to consolidate that you wish to consolidate into the new worksheet.
13. Select each range one at a time. Click “Named Cells” located on the toolbar. Click “Formulas.” Click “Name a Range.” A pop-up box will open. Type the range name into the “Name” field. Click “Save.” Create a name for each range.
14. Open the master worksheet where you plan to consolidate the data.
15. Click onto the cell in the upper left hand corner of the area where you want to place the consolidated data in the master worksheet, making sure to choose an area with enough room on all sides of the worksheet for all of the data you will be consolidating or you will lose data in the consolidation process.
16. Click “Data Tools” on the master worksheet. Click “Data.” Click “Consolidate.” Click on the function you wish to use in the “Function” box which opens.
17. Click “Browse” if the worksheets you want to locate are in a different workbook. Choose the location from the drop-down menu and click “Okay.”
18. Type into the range dialog box the name that you gave the range of data that you wish to consolidate. Click “Add.” Do this step for all of the ranges that you wish to consolidate.
19. Click to check the “Create links to source data” box if you want the master worksheet to be updated automatically when you add data to the worksheets in a different workbook. This function only works if you are consolidating data from different workbooks. To update the data manually, uncheck this box.
20. Click the boxes in the “Use labels in” section. Click “Top row” if the category titles are located in the row of your data ranges, click “Left column “if the category titles are located in the left column, or choose both boxes if titles are located in both areas.
21. Click “Save.”
Consolidate Data by Formula
22. Open the Excel worksheets that you want to consolidate. Locate the reference codes of the cells you will be consolidating on the master worksheet.
23. Open the master worksheet where you plan to consolidate the data.
24. Type in the titles of the column and/or rows onto the master worksheet. You can also cut and paste the titles from the original worksheets.
25. Click onto the cell in the upper left hand corner of the area where you want to place the consolidated data in the master worksheet, making sure to choose an area with enough room on all sides of the worksheet for all of the data you will be consolidating or you will lose data in the consolidation process.
26. Type in the formula, which contains the reference codes of the cells you are consolidating into the cell you chose. To consolidate formulas located in different areas on separate worksheets, type an equal sign followed by the word SUM. Next, within parentheses, type the name of the worksheet followed by an exclamation point. Next, type the location of the formula. Type all of the formulas you want to consolidate separating each formula with a comma. For example, = SUM (Inventory!J8, Stock!A3, Tax!B7). If the formulas are located in the same areas of different worksheets, create the using the worksheet names and the area. For example, SUM (Inventory:Stock:Tax!B7)
27. Click “Save.”
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How to Create a Quiz in Excel

1. Open a blank spreadsheet in Excel. Use column A for the question, column B for the answer and column C to grade the answers.
2. Type your first question into cell A1. For the purposes of this demonstration the question is, 'If you mix red and blue together, what is the resulting color?'
3. Scroll or arrow over to cell C1 and type the following function: =IF(B1='', '', IF(B1='answer', 'Right', 'Wrong')). Replace 'answer' with the correct answer. Using the example, 'If you mix red and blue together, what is the resulting color?' you would replace 'answer' with 'purple' and as long as the person taking the quiz typed 'purple' in the corresponding B1 cell, the answer would show 'Right'. If someone gives a wrong answer, 'Wrong' shows up and if they put no answer, cell C1 remains blank.
4. Think of questions and answers to fill the quiz. Remember column A is for inputting questions, column B should be left blank with enough space to type answers and column C is where you input the formula.
5. Continue inputting questions into column A by typing your questions into subsequent cells.
6. Skip over to the C column and begin typing in the formula into the cells in the C column. Remember to change 'B1' from the original formula to the B cell number that corresponds to the question. For a question in cell A2 you will want the formula to read =IF(B2='', '', IF(B2='answer', 'Right', 'Wrong')), again replacing 'answer' with the correct answer.
7. Decide if you want to quiz to score the participant's answers. If so, simply input the following into the corresponding D cells: =IF(C1='Right', 1, 0). Remember to update the cell numbers to correspond with each question and answer.
8. Type the following formula at the bottom of the quiz if you have decided to have Excel calculate the score: =sum(D1:D10). This is the formula for a 10 question quiz--adjust accordingly. You can either write in the cell numbers, or after you have typed the opening parenthesis you can use your mouse pointer to click and drag to select the range of cells you want added together. If you chose to select the cells this way they should be highlighted with a blue box.
9. Hide the answers before you send the quiz out. Select column C and choose 'Format> Cells>Protection' and check the 'Hidden' selection box. Select 'OK' to close the window and apply the setting. Now you can send the quiz out knowing the answers are hidden.
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Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Link an Excel Spreadsheet to a Visio Diagram

1. Open the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains the data you would like to link to the Visio diagram.
2. Go to the 'Insert' tab and click on the 'Object' button.
3. Go to the 'Create from File' tab. Click on the 'Browse' button and navigate to the Visio file that you would like to link. Check off the 'Link to file' box. Click 'OK.'
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How to Copy and Paste in Excel

1. Open an existing Excel file to edit or create a new one. When creating a new file, select 'New' from the 'File' menu. To edit an existing file, select 'Open' from the 'File' menu.
2. Enter data that you want to copy into a cell or identify a cell that you wish to copy that already has data in it. Select the text by highlighting the exact text you want to copy within the textbox at the top of the screen or by clicking the individual cell the text is in.
3. Copy the selected text or cell by selecting 'Copy' from the 'Edit' menu at the top of the screen. You can also use a shortcut key by holding the 'Ctrl' and 'C' keys on your keyboard to copy the data. A third option would be to right-click your mouse and select 'Copy' from the short-cut menu that pops up.
4. Select the cell you wish to paste the copied text into by clicking on it. Paste the data into the selected cell by choosing 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu. To use a shortcut key you can hold the 'Ctrl' and 'V' keys down to paste the data more quickly or right-click the mouse again and select 'Paste' from the short-cut menu that pops up.
5. Continue editing, copying and pasting data until all the data is entered in your spreadsheet. Save your work by selecting 'Save' or 'Save As' from the 'File' menu.
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to Set a Fixed Height Width in Excel

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2010 file with which you want to work.
2. Click and hold the mouse button on the row number or column letter that you want to adjust to a fixed height and width. Then drag the mouse to select the adjacent rows or columns. You can then press 'Ctrl' and click to select nonadjacent columns or rows. If you want to change the height and width of the cells for the entire spreadsheet, just click the box to the left of 'A' and just above '1.'
3. Click the 'Home' tab at the top of the screen. Locate the Cells area of the Ribbon and click on the 'Format' button found there.
4. Choose 'Row Height' from the menu, and a small window appears. Type the value for your desired row height and click 'OK.'
5. Click the 'Format' button again and choose 'Column Width' from the menu. Enter your desired column width into the small window that appears and click 'OK.' Your column width and row height are now set.
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How to Hide Indefinite Errors in Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 worksheet where you want to hide the error values. Click the top-left cell in the range of cells you want to work with, then hold 'Shift' and select the bottom-right cell. If you want to work with the entire worksheet, you can just click the box above the '1' on the end of the top row.
2. Select the 'Home' tab and click the 'Conditional Formatting' button at the top of the screen. Select 'New Rule' from the list that appears.
3. Click 'Format only cells the contain' from the list at the top of the New Formatting Rule window. Click on the drop-down box under 'Format only cells with' and choose 'Errors' from the list of options.
4. Click the 'Format' button and then select the 'Font' tab in the new window that appears. Select the drop-down box under the 'Color' heading and click the white box located at the top-left of the drop-down menu. Click 'OK' twice and the errors will disappear.
5. Click the 'File' tab at the top of the screen. Then click 'Options' on the left side of the screen.
6. Click 'Formulas' on the left side of the Options window. Locate the 'Error Checking' heading and click the box next to 'Enable background error checking' to remove the check mark. Click 'OK' and the small arrows will disappear from the cells with errors.
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How to Search a Cell Range for a Matching Value in Excel VBA

1. Open the worksheet in which you want to find a match. Press the 'Alt' and 'F11' keys together. This opens the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
2. Click 'Insert' and then click 'Module.' This inserts a blank module window.
3. Copy and paste the following code into the blank window:Sub Find_First()Dim FindString As StringDim Rng As RangeFindString = InputBox('Enter a Search value')If Trim(FindString)
'' ThenWith Sheets('Sheet1').Range('A1:Z256')Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _LookIn:=xlValues, _LookAt:=xlWhole, _SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _SearchDirection:=xlNext, _MatchCase:=False)If Not Rng Is Nothing ThenApplication.Goto Rng, TrueElseMsgBox 'Nothing found'End IfEnd WithEnd IfEnd Sub
4. Change the 'Range' in the code to the cell range in which you want to look for a match. For example, if you want to look in cells C1:C1000, type 'C1:C1000' in place of 'A1:Z256.'
5. Press 'F5,' then type the string of text or data you want to find into the text box. Excel will find the match and highlight the cell.
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

How to Use a Calendar in MS Excel 2010 Cells

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2010. A new spreadsheet will open. Click on the Office Button, followed by Open. Select your file by double-clicking on it. It will open up on your screen.
2. Click anywhere on the spreadsheet. Click 'Insert' on the toolbar, followed by 'Object.' Click 'Create from File', followed by 'Browse.' Select your calendar image file. Click 'Insert', followed by the 'OK' button. Your calendar image will show up on your spreadsheet.
3. Refer to your calendar as you enter your equations into your spreadsheet cells or simply input data, such as email addresses or names. Once you have finished referring to the calendar, simply delete it by clicking on it and pressing the 'Delete' button.
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How to Use an Excel Equation

Basic Equation Entry
1. Launch Microsoft Excel 2010.
2. Activate the software over the Internet if prompted.
3. Click in any blank cell and type the number '15' into the cell and press 'Enter' to save the entry and move to another cell. Alternately press the 'Tab' or any arrow key or click the mouse in a new cell to save the entry and move to a new cell.
4. Type the number '5' into another blank cell and press 'Enter.'
5. Type the 'Equal' sign ('=') into a blank cell and click once on the cell with the number '15' in it. Click the 'Plus' sign (' ') and click once on the cell with the '5' in it. Press 'Enter' to save the formula and notice that the answer to '15 5' is displayed in the cell that contains the equation.
Using Built-In Functions
6. Launch Microsoft Excel 2010 and enter some sample data into a few of the cells in a blank workbook.
7. Click on the cell that will contain the answer to the desired equation.
8. Click the 'Formulas' tab on the toolbar.
9. Click 'Insert Function' from the 'Function Library' on the 'Formulas' tab.
10. Click the 'Select a Category' pull down menu to choose the general category of equation required.
11. Scroll down if necessary to find the desired function in the 'Select a Function' list. Click once on the function name and click 'OK' to bring up the formula dialog box.
12. Click once in the cell that contains the information required for the first argument listed in the 'Function Arguments' dialog box. Click the next box in the 'Function Arguments' dialog box to save the first argument and change the focus to the second argument in the equation.
13. Click once in the cell that contains the information required for the second argument listed in the 'Function Arguments' dialog box.
14. Click 'OK' if all of the necessary arguments have been entered into the 'Function Arguments' dialog box. Notice that the cell containing the formula will now display the results of the equation.
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How to Customizing the Excel Status Bar

1. Right click anywhere on the Excel status bar to bring up the 'Customize Status Bar' window.
2. Click on the left side of the Customize window next to the items that you want to add or remove from the status bar. Any field that has a check mark next to it is active and will show up on the Excel Status bar. Remember that many of the items on the list, like caps lock or permissions, will only show up on the status bar if they are turned on, so placing a check next to them might not show any immediate results.
3. Click anywhere outside of the Customize window to finish customizing the status bar and return to your work. The status bar is not bound to the worksheet, so the changes you made to the status bar will remain even in a new project.
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How to Shrink Columns in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Select the column you want to shrink. Left-click on the column letter to activate and select that column.
2. Shrink the column using the column width menu. Right-click on the activated column and select “Column Width.” Enter the desired column width in pixels and then click 'OK' to change.
3. Select the column you wish to shrink manually. Left-click on the column letter that you wish to shrink manually to activate that column.
4. Shrink the column manually. Hang the cursor over the edge of the column borders at the top of the column until an arrow appears. Then left-click and hold as you drag the column to shrink it.
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How to Divide an Excel Spreadsheet

Freeze Panes
1. Double-click on the Excel file that you want to work with in order to open it up in the Microsoft Excel program.
2. Click on the cell that is below and to the right of the point where you want to freeze the panes. If you only want to freeze the top row or leftmost column, you don't need to select any cell.
3. Select the 'View' tab on the toolbar at the top of the Excel window. Find the 'Window' group within that toolbar. If your Excel window is very small, you may have to click on the 'Window' button to view all the buttons in the group.
4. Click on 'Freeze Panes' to open up a drop-down menu.
5. Select 'Freeze Panes' from the drop-down menu to cause everything positioned up and to the right of your selected cell to freeze in place. You can also choose 'Freeze Top Row' or 'Freeze First Column.'
Split Panes
6. Open the Excel file that you want to work on.
7. Select a cell anywhere in the middle of your worksheet. The panes will be created above and to the left of this cell, but the panes are easy to adjust so it doesn't have to be perfect.
8. Click on the 'View' tab and find the 'Window' group in the toolbar. Click the 'Split' button to divide the worksheet into four panes.
9. Double-click on either the horizontal or the vertical separator to remove it, if you only wanted to divide your worksheet into two panes instead of four.
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How to Write a VBA Script

1. Open the Microsoft Office application that you want to write a script for. For example, open Microsoft Excel, Word or PowerPoint.
2. Click on the 'Developer' tab and then click on 'Visual Basic.' The Visual Basic Editor (VBE) screen will open. Alternatively, you can press the 'Alt' and 'F11' keys to open the VBE.
3. Click on the 'Insert' tab and then click on 'Module' to open a blank window. This is where you will type your script.
4. Type your script into the open window. You should start by typing 'Function [function name]()' if your script is a function or 'Sub [subroutine]()' if your script is a subroutine. Type the body of your script, then end with either 'End Function' or 'End Sub.' Use a function if you want to return something (like a value) or a subroutine if your script performs a task without returning anything (like formatting a document). Microsoft's website offers an extensive help section for writing VBA code.
5. Press 'F5' to run the script.
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