Printer Method
1. Select your first desired print range by highlighting the cells within your worksheet; for example A1:H15.
2. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key while highlighting the second set of cells to print--for example N5:V15--resulting in two separate highlighted areas.
3. Select the 'Page Layout' tab, click on 'Print Area' and select 'Set Print Area.'
4. Press 'Ctrl P,' a shortcut that brings up the Print Dialog Box.
5. Verify the output printer displayed is the correct printer and click the 'Properties' button.
6. Look through your different tabs and options for a setting asking you to specify how many pages per sheet you want to print and change it from '1 page per sheet' to '2 pages per sheet.' These options vary by printer based on the make and model and may not be available on your printer.
7. Click the 'OK' button to close the properties box and return to the Print Dialog Box. If your printer does not have this capability, use the camera method.
Camera Method
8. Right-click on the tab of your current sheet ('Sheet1' by default) located at the bottom of the page and select 'Insert' from the pop-up menu. Click on 'Worksheet' and then click 'OK' to insert a new blank sheet into your document. Click the Office button in the upper left-hand corner of Excel and select 'Excel Options.'
9. Choose 'Customize' from the menu on the left and click the drop-down menu under 'Choose commands from' to change the selection from 'Popular Commands' to 'All Commands.' Scroll through the options until you find 'Camera;' click on it and choose 'Add' to add it to the quick-access ribbon at the top of the page. Click 'OK' to save your changes.
10. Return to the sheet where the data you need to print is located. Select the first range of cells to be printed and then click the Camera tool in the quick access ribbon at the top of the page. Switch to your blank worksheet and click to select where you want the upper left-hand corner of your image placed. The new sheet will contain the selected range as a graphic.