1. Open the Microsoft Word document. Click the 'File' tab in Word 2010, 'Microsoft Office Button' in Word 2007 or 'File' menu in Word 2003. Click 'Save as.' In the 'Save as Type' menu, select 'Plain Text,' then click 'Save. This will save the Word document as a text file that Excel can read. It will remove any formatting you added in Word.
2. Open a blank worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
3. Click 'File' or the 'Microsoft Office Button, then 'Open.' Select 'Text Files' from the file type list. Select the text file you just saved and click Open.' Excel will automatically launch the Import Text Wizard.
4. Choose the original data type. Select 'Delimited' if each piece of data in your text file is separated by tabs, spaces, commas or other characters. Choose 'Fixed Width' if each field of data is the same width. Click 'Next.'
5. Choose which delimiter is used by your data. This is the character that separates values of data in the text file. For instance, if your data is separated by tabs, select 'Tab.' This will determine how Excel will separate the data into cells. See how the text is affected in the preview at the bottom. Click 'Next.'
6. Select the column data format you want Excel to use for each column that appears in the Data Preview. If a column contains a mix of numbers and letters, Excel will convert the column as 'General.'
7. Click 'Finish' to import the text.
8. Click 'File' or the 'Microsoft Office Button,' then 'Save as' to save the Excel file.