1. Highlight your data set. For example, if your set of numbers is in cells A1 to A50, highlight cell A1 with your mouse.
2. Choose 'Data' from the ribbon. Click on 'Advanced' to bring up a pop-up box.
3. Check the 'Copy to another location' radio button, and check the 'Unique records only' box. Enter the range of your data set. In this example, cells A1 to A50 would be entered as $A$1:$A$50. In the 'copy to' box, enter where you would like the data to be output. For example, enter $B$1:$B$50 (which will return the result in cells B1 to B50). Press 'OK.' This returns a list of numbers in your data set.
4. Enter the following formula into cell C1: =COUNTIF(A$1:A$50,B1). This counts the number of times the item in cell B1 appears in the data set from cell A1 to cell A50, and returns the result in cell C1.
5. Copy the formula in the cell from Step 4 (in this example, cell C1) for all cells in column B. For example, if you have 10 cells filled in column B, select cell C1 by clicking with the mouse, and drag the fill tool (the little black square in the bottom right corner) down to cell C10.