1. Open the Excel 2007 spreadsheet.
2. Identify the row or rows at the top of the spreadsheet that you wish to freeze. Often just the first row is needed for this. You may choose multiple rows if desired.
3. Click in the first row of the spreadsheet that is not to be frozen. That is, click any cell in the first row at the top of the spreadsheet that will be a part of the rows that will scroll. All other rows above this row will become frozen.
4. Click the 'View' tab at the top of the Excel 2007 ribbon bar.
5. Identify the 'Window' group on the 'View' tab. Click the menu arrow that appears under the 'Freeze Panes' button. A menu will appear.
6. Click the 'Freeze Top Row' option if you are only freezing one row. If freezing multiple rows at the top of the spreadsheet, choose the 'Freeze Panes' option. The rows are now frozen.
7. Click the same menu and choose 'Unfreeze Panes' when you wish to return the spreadsheet to its initial state.