Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to Make Mailing Labels in Excel 2007

1. Open the Excel 2007 worksheet containing the list you want to use to make mailing labels. If you do not yet have a list, open a blank worksheet. Enter a name for each column in the first row of the worksheet. Choose names that will be easy to understand in the merge, such as 'First Name,' 'Last Name' and 'Street Address.' Save and close the worksheet.
2. Start Word 2007. Go to the 'Mailings' tab and click 'Start Mail Merge.' Select 'Labels' from the drop-down list. The 'Label Options' dialog box opens.
3. Select the label settings for the label pages you are using. Pick the label brand name from the 'Label Vendor' drop-down list. Select the product number that is listed on the label package in the 'Product Number' list. Click 'Detail' to view the details for a label, such as the size and the number of labels per page. If the label you are using is not listed, click 'New Label' and enter the specifications for your label. Click 'OK' when you have made your selections.
4. Click 'Select Recipients' in the 'Start Mail Merge' section of the 'Mailings' tab. Click 'Use Existing List.' Navigate to the Excel 2007 worksheet containing the list you want to use to make mailing labels. In the 'Select Table' dialog box, click the sheet of the workbook that has the list you want to use. Click 'OK.'
5. Click 'Address Block' in the 'Write Insert Fields' group of the 'Mailings' tab. Click the 'Match Fields' button. Match the address block fields to the field names you used in your Excel worksheet. Click 'OK' to close the 'Match Fields' dialog box. Click 'OK' to close the 'Insert Address Block' dialog box.
6. Click 'Update Labels' in the 'Write Insert Fields' group of the 'Mailings' tab. Click 'Finish and Merge' in the 'Finish' group of the 'Mailings' tab. Select 'Edit Individual Documents' to create a new document with the merged mailing labels and print them later or click 'Print Documents' to print the labels immediately.
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How to Put Excel Data Into a Pie Chart

1. Open a new worksheet in Microsoft Excel. Add headings in the first column down the left side of the page. For instance, if you are making a pie chart of my favorite things, you would write, 'Football,' in cell A1, 'Chocolate,' in cell A2, and 'Television,' in cell A3. Then, put the numbers in the 'B' column. So, using the above example, this would mean you'd put 50% in cell B1 next to 'Football,' a 30% in cell B2, next to 'Chocolate,' and a 20% in cell B3 next to 'Television.'
2. Highlight all of the cells in both columns, from A1 to B3. In Microsoft Excel 2007, simply click the 'Pie' button in the toolbar at the top of your screen. In earlier versions of Excel, and on the Mac 2008 version, click on the 'Insert' menu at the top of the screen and select the 'Chart...' option. A smaller window will pop-up called the 'Chart Wizard.'
3. Hit the 'Pie' button in Microsft Excel 2007, and a drop down menu will appear. Choose the type and style of pie chart you want, and that chart will then be inserted into your spreadsheet. This is the final step to make a pie chart in Excel 2007. If you are using earlier versions of Excel or Excel 2008 for Mac, proceed to the next steps.
4. Click on 'Pie' in the 'Chart Type' menu. To the right of the menu, you will see six different sub-types for how you want your chart to look. Click on the type of pie chart you want and then click and hold the button that says, 'Press and Hold to View Sample.' This will give you a preview of how your chart will look using the data you have entered. When you are happy with your chart, click 'Next' at the bottom of the window.
5. Clarify that the data range is correct in the pie chart. In the space titled, 'Data Range,' click on the gray button with red, blue, and black dots to the right of the blank space. This will shrink the Chart Wizard window. Use your mouse to highlight the area of data you want, including the headings and corresponding numbers. Click 'Next.'
6. Title your chart in the space on the left that says, 'Chart title.' When you are finished, click 'Next.' Finally, choose where you want your chart to be displayed. You can have it displayed directly in the document, or place it in a new spreadsheet. When you have made your choice, select, 'Finish,' and your pie chart will appear in the document.
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Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Merge Excel Worksheets Into a Workbook

1. Open Microsoft Excel. Press and hold the 'Ctrl' key on your computer's keyboard and press the 'O' key to start the 'Open' window. Click on the first workbook you would like to open. Press and hold the 'Ctrl' key and click on the second workbook. Press the 'Open' button at the bottom right of the 'Open' window to open both workbooks.
2. Click the workbook on the bottom Windows toolbar that contains the sheet that you would like to merge. Right-click the sheet tab that you would like to move or copy. For example, right-click 'Sheet 1' tab at the bottom left of the Excel workspace to select the first sheet to merge. Click 'Move or Copy...' from the drop-down list.
3. Click the 'To Book' drop-down menu on the 'Move or Copy' window. Click on the workbook to which you want to move the worksheet. For example, if your other workbook is called 'Book1,' click on the 'Book1' workbook. Click the sheet name of where you want the sheet to appear in the new workbook from the 'Before sheet' menu. If you want your sheet to appear at the end of the workbook, click 'move to end' from the 'Before sheet' menu.
4. Check the 'Create a copy box' if you want to maintain the sheet in the current workbook. Otherwise, leave the box unchecked to move the sheet from one workbook to the other. Press the 'OK' button to move or copy the worksheet from one workbook to the other.
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How to Delete Cells in MS Office 2003

1. Open an existing worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
2. Select the cell (or cells) you want to delete from your worksheet. To select an individual cell, simply click the cell. For a range of cells, click the first cell and drag your cursor down to the last cell. If it's a large range, click the first cell in the range, and press 'Shift' while you click the last cell. Press 'CTRL' while clicking individual cells that aren't adjacent.
3. Open the 'Edit' menu.
4. Click 'Delete.' As a shortcut, right-click the selection and click 'Delete.'
5. Make a selection in the 'Delete' dialog box. Select 'Shift Cells Left, Shift Cells Up, Entire Row or Entire Column.' This will determine what to do with the remaining cells after you delete.
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How to Divide Cells in Excel

Divide the Numbers in a Cell
1. Click on a cell to enter your data.
2. Type an equal sign (=).
3. Type your first number. For this example, we will divide 15 by 5.
4. Press the forward slash key on your keyboard (/). This is the division sign in Excel.
5. Type in your next number, 5.
6. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard or click on the check mark on the tool bar. This displays the result of the calculation.
Divide Numbers in a Range of Cells
7. Type the number 15 into cell A1.
8. Type the number 5 into cell A2.
9. Click cell A3 and type an equal sign (=).
10. Click on cell A1. 'A1' should appear after the equal sign in A3.
11. Press the forward slash (/) key on your keyboard.
12. Click on cell A2. 'A2' should appear after the forward slash. Your formula should look like this: = A1/A2.
13. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard or click on the check mark button on the tool bar to perform the calculation. The answer 3 should appear in cell A3.
Divide Numbers Using the Quotient Function
14. Use the quotient function. You can divide numbers with the quotient function: QUOTIENT (Numerator, Denominator). The only difference between using this function and using regular division is that, if there are any remainders, the answer from the quotient function will not display it.
15. Type the number 15 into cell A1. This is your numerator.
16. Type the number 2 into cell A2. This is your denominator.
17. Click on A3, where the result will be displayed.
18. Click on the 'Paste function' button (fx) on the tool bar to open the list of functions. Select 'Quotient.' The quotient dialog box should appear.
19. Click on the 'Numerator' line. Click on cell A1.
20. Click on the 'Denominator' line in the dialog box. Click on cell A2.
21. Click on 'OK' to close the Quotient dialog box. The number 7 appears as the answer in cell A3. Notice that the answer does not include any remainders.
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How to Calculate a Percentile Using Excel

1. Enter your dataset in a continuous column in Excel. For this example, assume that the data is entered in cells A1 to A100.
2. Determine what percentile you want to calculate, and convert it to a number between zero and one. For example, the 20th percentile is 0.2, the 55th percentile is 0.55, the 100th percentile is 1, and so on. This example will use the 40th percentile (0.4).
3. Enter the following formula in the cell where you want the percentile result to show:=PERCENTILE(A1:A100,0.4).This tells Excel to calculate the 40th percentile of the data in cells A1 to A100.
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How to Add a Shadow to a Chart in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel and open an existing workbook from your files that contains a chart to which you would like to add a shadow.
2. Select the chart you would like to add a shadow to by clicking on it with your mouse. The chart will be surrounded by a light blue outline when it is selected.
3. Choose the 'Format' tab at the top of the Excel screen to show the formatting options that you can apply to your selected chart. Locate the 'Shape Styles' section of the 'Format' ribbon.
4. Click the small half box and arrow button that lies on the 'Shape Styles' title bar on the lower right corner. This will open the 'Format Chart Area' dialog box.
5. Select 'Shadow' from the left side of the 'Format Chart Area' dialog box to display the shadow settings you can add to the selected chart.
6. Use the 'Preset' drop-down menu to choose a preset shadow from Excel. You can change the color of the shadow by selecting a new color from the 'Color' drop-down menu. The settings for the shadow can be changed using the 'Transparency,' 'Size,' 'Blur,' 'Angle' and 'Distance' sliders.
7. Click the 'Close' button to close the 'Format Chart Area' dialog box and return to your chart, which is now highlighted with a shadow.
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Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to Make a Pictograph on Excel

1. Launch Excel 2010 and open a spreadsheet containing data that can be expressed in a graph. Highlight the cells that you want Excel to include in the graph.
2. Select the 'Insert' tab at the top of the window. Click 'Column' or 'Bar' in the 'Charts' section of the toolbar to generate a graph from the selected data.
3. Double-click one of the graph's bars. This opens a Format Data Point window.
4. Select the 'Fill' heading on the left side of the Format Data Point window.
5. Click to select the 'Picture or Texture Fill' radio button.
6. Click the 'File' button under 'Insert from' and double-click the image you want to use for the selected bar.
7. Click the 'Stack' radio button to display several stacked copies of the selected image in place of the bar, or click the 'Stretch' radio button to display a single image stretched to fill the bar.
8. Click 'OK' and repeat Steps 3 through 7 for the remaining bars of the graph.
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How to Set Printing Options in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel and open a spreadsheet that you would like to print.
2. Choose the 'File' button and click 'Print' to bring up the 'Print' dialog box.
3. Change the printer you are using by clicking the 'Name' list under the 'Printer' section of the 'Print' dialog box. You can view the printers you have installed and click on which printer you would like to use to print your spreadsheet.
4. Check the 'Print to file' check box in the 'Printer' section of the 'Print' dialog box to print the spreadsheet to another computer file instead of from a printer.
5. Set the print range of your spreadsheet by selecting the 'All' radio button to print all of the pages or 'Page(s)' radio button to print only a certain page or multiple pages in your spreadsheet. If you choose the 'Page(s)' option you will need to use your keyboard to specify which pages you would like to print.
6. Select what you would like to print by choosing either 'Selection,' 'Active sheet(s),' 'Entire workbook' or 'List' under the 'Print what' section of the 'Print' dialog box.
7. Set the number of copies that you want to print by using your keyboard to type in the number beside 'Number of copies' under the 'Copies' section of the dialog box. You can also choose to collate the spreadsheet by putting a checkmark in the 'Collate' check box in this same section.
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How to Use Excel 2003 Formulas Functions for Budgets

1. Decide which formula you want to use. For example, you may want to add a column of data or multiply certain budgetary numbers by 12 to convert from a monthly to yearly budget.
2. Locate the formula you need in the 'Microsoft: Excel Commonly Used Formulas' (see Resources). For example, click on 'Add Numbers' in the Math subsection. One of the functions you can use is the 'Sum' function, which adds numbers in a single cell or multiple cells.
3. Enter the formula into the cell where you would like the answer to appear. For example, you may want to add a list of budget items in cells B2 to B10 and display the result in cell B11. All formulas begin with an equals sign ('='), so type the following text into cell B11:=SUM(B2:B10)The colon means 'to' as in 'Cells B2 to B10 inclusive.'
4. Use a function instead of a formula to perform calculations. For example, you can use the autosum function in Excel instead of specifying a formula. To use the autosum function, click on the cell where you would like the total to appear (in the above example, that was cell B10). Then click the autosum symbol on the standard toolbar. The autosum symbol is an uppercase sigma. Click on the cells you would like to sum (for example, B2 through B10). The autosum function will place your result in cell B10.
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How to Scroll With a Mouse Wheel in Excel 2007

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007 and launch the document you need to view.
2. Click inside the document somewhere (or on the scrollbar at the side of the page). This tells the mouse you are working inside the loaded Excel document.
3. Drag your finger from top to bottom over the scroll wheel on the mouse. This moves the page down and you can see the scrollbar on the side of the screen move with your movements.
4. Drag your finger from the bottom of the scroll wheel to the top. Doing so scrolls the page back up toward the top of the document.
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Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to Make Vertical Words in Excel

1. Open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the cell containing the text you wish to make vertical.
3. Click the 'ab' symbol in the Alignment group of the Home tab and select 'Vertical Text' to align letters on top of one another. Alternatively, select 'Formal Cell Alignment,' enter '-90' or '90' in the 'Degrees' field, and click 'OK' to rotate normal text 90 degrees. Selecting '-90' will align the bottom of the characters to the left, while selecting '90' will align them to the right.
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How to Use Excel 2007 to Make a Climate Graph With Negative Temperatures

1. Open the Worksheet.
2. Enter a date or time in each cell along one column or one row. For example, the dates April 1, April 2 and April 3 can fill cells B4, B5 and B6, respectively.
3. Enter the temperature values, one value per cell, in this temperature column. The values can be positive or negative. Enter these values in cells adjacent to the categories in Step 2. For example, enter '7' '-2'and '4' in cells C4, C5 and C6, respectively.
4. Click the cells that contain the dates and temperature values.
5. Click on the 'Insert' tab on the Ribbon. The 'Charts' group includes the 'Line' chart button.
6. Click on the 'Line' button to display the different line charts available. The '2-D' line chart displays values over time and different categories, such as dates.
7. Click on the 2-D chart button to convert the data. The chart displays both positive and negative temperature values. Try the other line chart styles to see the effect.
8. Edit the chart for a custom look. For example, the 'Design' tab includes 'Chart Layouts' and 'Chart Styles' groups. The 'Format' tab includes the 'Shape Styles' group that changes the color of the outline and background.
9. Save this worksheet.
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How to Remove Password Protection in Excel

1. Open Excel and open the workbook for which you wish to remove the password protection. At this point, if you are using Excel 2003 or an earlier version, proceed to Step 2. If you are using Excel 2007, skip straight to Step 5.
2. Click on the 'File' menu, and then select 'Save As.' Click on the 'Tools' menu and select 'General Options.'
3. Double-click on the asterisk that is in the 'Password to open' box, and then press 'DELETE' on your keyboard. DO the same for the box labeled 'Password to modify.'
4. Click on 'OK,' then 'Save,' and finally 'Yes' to complete the password protection removal if your are using Excel 2003 or earlier.
5. Click on the 'Review' tab at the top of the Excel 2007 window, and locate the group of icons within the 'Changes' group. Click on 'Unprotect Sheet.' Type in the appropriate password when and if you are prompted, and you are finished.
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How to Get Data From Excel Into Word

1. Click Excel's Office button, then click the 'Open' command. Navigate to and double-click a file you'd like to open to Word. Click the 'Save as' command after the file loads, then click the 'Excel 97-2003' format from the 'type' dropdown list. This format lets Word read the Excel data. Click the Office button's 'Close' command to close the workbook.
2. Click Word's Office button, then click the 'Open' command. Click the 'Excel' type from the 'Type' dropdown list, then navigate to the folder in which you saved the Excel workbook in the previous step.
3. Double-click the workbook to begin loading it. Word will display a warning message indicating the possible presence of malicious content. Click 'Yes' to continue opening the workbook.
4. Click the 'Entire' option from the dropdown control labeled 'Open document,' if you want to load the entire Excel workbook into Word. Otherwise, click one of the sheets listed in the dropdown to select just that sheet for importing to Word. For example, if your Excel data is only on 'Sheet1,' click that sheet in the 'Open document' dropdown.
5. Click the 'Name range' dropdown list if you chose to import only a particular spreadsheet in the previous step. Skip this step if you're importing the entire workbook. Otherwise, click a named range of cells in the workbook to import just that named range. For example, if the workbook contains a blocked of cells named 'ArtPatrons,' you can click that name in the 'Name range' dropdown to import just that block of cells.
6. Click 'OK' to import the Excel data into Word. Word will format the imported data as a table in a new Word document.
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