1. To create a chart, you first need to select the cells you wish to be contained within that chart. To do this, left-click and hold the mouse button, then drag the cursor over the groups of cells you wish to include. Then let go of the mouse button, and the cells will remain highlighted.
2. Access the chart tool. Scroll to the “Insert” tab on the command bar and select “Charts.”
3. Select the chart for your spreadsheet. A Charts Properties menu will open, in which you can select the style of the chart you want from a drop-down menu. Select the desired chart and click “Next” to continue.
4. In the next menu, you can specify the specific columns and rows to include in the chart. If you have already highlighted the cells and columns from Step 1, you can click “Next” to continue; otherwise, type in the series of charts and rows by entering their corresponding column letters and row numbers.
5. You can label the chart, name the fields and adjust the categories, gridlines and table information simply by selecting the corresponding tab and entering the required information into the fields. Click the “Next” button to continue after making the desired entries.
6. Select where to place the chart. Choose by selecting the corresponding radial button to place the chart in a new sheet or inside of the current sheet; after making your selection, click on the “Finish” button to implement your completed chart.