Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to Use an Excel List for a Random Drawing

1. Construct a list of contest entrants. If you already have a list with consecutively numbered entrants, skip to step 6. If not, open a new spreadsheet in Excel.
2. Click on cell B1. Enter, or copy and paste, the first person's name. Click on cell B2, and enter the next name. Continue down the column until you have entered all the names.
3. Assign a consecutive number to each entrant starting with 1 and ending with N, where N is the total number of entrants that you have. Click on cell A1, and enter '1.' Click on cell A2, and enter '2.'
4. Click on A1, and drag the cursor to cell A2. These two cells should now be highlighted.
5. Move your cursor to the bottom right corner of cell A2 until a solid black cross (one without arrows) appears. Click and drag this black cross down column A until you reach the last name. Each number should now correspond to a name to the right of it.
6. Click on any empty cell in the spreadsheet. Enter the following formula to generate a random number: =RANDBETWEEN(1,N)N is the total number of entries that you have. For example, if you have 100 contestants, you would enter: =RANDBETWEEN(1,100)Don't put spaces between any of the terms in the function.
7. Hit 'Enter' to receive a random number between 1 and N. That number corresponds to the winning entry in your list. To generate another random number, move your mouse to the random formula cell again, and hit 'Enter' again.
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How to Remove a Page Break in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2003 worksheet. Click the 'View' tab on the top menu.
2. Select 'Page Break Preview' to change the worksheet view. This exposes the page breaks in the worksheet.
3. Click on the page break you want to remove. Hold your left mouse button and drag the page break out of the preview screen. Release your mouse button. This removes the page break from the worksheet.
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How to Generate 20 Random Numbers in Excel 2007

1. Open the Excel 2007 file where you want to create 20 random numbers.
2. Click an empty cell that has another 19 empty cells directly beneath it.
3. Type '=rand()*(y-x) x' into the formula bar. Replace 'x' and 'y' with the range of numbers that the random number will fall between. For example, '=rand() (10-1) 1' will return a random number between 1 and 10. Press 'Enter.'
4. Click the cell with your formula in it, which now displays a random number. Move your mouse over the bottom-right corner of the cell, where the pointer turns into a plus sign. Click the mouse button and hold it down. Move the mouse down 19 cells beneath the first and release the mouse button. You now have 20 random numbers, although each number is written out to nine decimal places.
5. Click and hold the mouse button on the first random number cell, and then drag the mouse to the last cell and release the button. Right-click anywhere in the selected range and click 'Format Cells' from the menu.
6. Click 'Number' from the list on the left side of the window. On the right side, change the field after 'Decimal places' to be equal to the number of decimal places you want to display on the Excel sheet. Click 'OK' to continue.
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How to Use Excel 2007 to Make a Climograph

1. Open a new worksheet in Excel 2007. Create three column headings: Month, Temperature and Precipitation.
2. Enter 12 rows of data consisting of the 12 months of the year in the first column and the mean monthly temperature and precipitation amounts for each month in the second and third columns, respectively.
3. Click and drag the mouse across your entire range of data in all three columns.
4. Click on the chart button in the toolbar to start the Chart Wizard. Select a clustered column type chart and click 'OK.' You will see the data grouped in two rows of vertical columns.
5. Right-click on the data series marker for temperature and select 'Format Data Series' from the submenu. Select the option for 'Secondary axis' in the pop up window and click 'OK.'
6. Right-click on the data series marker for temperature and select 'Change Series Chart Type' from the submenu. Select a 'Line With Markers' data series type from the pop up window and click 'OK.' You now have a completed climograph.
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How to Convert a Column to All Caps in Excel

1. Open the Microsoft Excel document that contains the column of data that you want to convert to all caps. Open a second blank Microsoft Excel document as well.
2. Highlight the entire column in the Excel document that you want to convert to all caps. Note that if you want to convert several columns to all caps, you must repeat this process for each column; you can only change one column at a time using this method.
3. Right-click the highlighted data and select 'Copy.' Minimize the Excel document and maximize the blank Excel spreadsheet.
4. Right-click in cell 'A1' in the top left corner of the spreadsheet and select 'Paste.' The data will transfer to the blank document.
5. Input the following formula in cell 'B1' in the spreadsheet you just copied the data to:=UPPER(A1)Cell 'B1' will now contain an all-caps version of cell 'A1.'
6. Hold your cursor at the bottom right corner of cell 'B1' until it changes from a white cross to a black cross. Click and drag downward, highlighting the same number of cells as the 'A' column. The 'B' column will populate with the all-caps version of the 'A' column.
7. Highlight all of the cells that contain values in column 'B,' right-click and select 'Copy.'
8. Maximize the original document, and highlight the column that you highlighted in Step 2.
9. Right-click the highlighted selection and choose 'Paste Special.' A dialog box will appear. Select 'Values' and click 'OK.' Excel will replace the original values in the column with the all-caps version of the values.
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How to Protect Cells in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel 2007
1. Open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
2. Select any cells you do not want protected. Right click on them and click 'Format Cells.' You can skip this step if you will be protecting the entire sheet or workbook.
3. Select the 'Protection' tab. The 'Locked' option will automatically be checked, but the cell is not protected yet. Click on the box to remove the check mark so that group of cells will not be locked when you protect the sheet.
4. Click on the 'Review' menu. Look for the 'Changes' section on the right side and click 'Protect Sheet' to protect only that sheet or tab, or click 'Protect Workbook' to protect all of the sheets. The 'Protect' dialog box will open.
5. Select the attributes you want to restrict. If you would like to specify a password to unlock the sheet or workbook, you may do it here, but that is optional.
6. Click 'OK.' Your worksheet or entire workbook will be locked as you requested.
7. Click the 'Unprotect Sheet' or 'Unprotect Workbook' button to unlock the cells.
Microsoft Excel 1997-2003
8. Open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
9. Select any cells you do not want protected. Right click on them and click 'Format Cells.' You can skip this step if you will be protecting the entire sheet or workbook.
10. Select the 'Protection' tab. The 'Locked' option will automatically be checked, but the cell is not protected yet. Click on the box to remove the check mark so that group of cells will not be locked when you protect the sheet.
11. Click on the 'Tools' menu, and then 'Protection.' Click 'Protect Sheet' to protect only that sheet/tab or click 'Protect Workbook' to protect all of the sheets. The 'Protect' dialog box will open.
12. Select the attributes you want to restrict. If you would like to specify a password to unlock the sheet or workbook, you may do it here, but that is optional.
13. Click 'OK.' Your worksheet or entire workbook will be locked as you requested.
14. Click on the 'Tools' menu, 'Protection' and 'Unprotect Sheet' or 'Unprotect Workbook' button to unlock the cells.
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Friday, January 13, 2012

How to Succeed in Business With Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Visit Microsoft Office's website and click 'Excel' under the 'Support' menu item, and then choose the 2003 version.
2. Learn as much as you can about how to use Excel through Microsoft Office's online tutorials (see Resource section). These courses are free on the company's website, and they will help you learn how to use the software in detail.
3. Click the 'Templates' link on the Microsoft Office home page and then click 'My Programs.'
4. Select 'Excel 2003' from the programs list and click 'Save.' This limits your online search to compatible templates. Search through the links provided for all useful templates for your business including budgets, forms, expense reports, invoices, receipts, project calculators and calendars. Downloading premade templates will save you time, and you can modify them to suit your business needs.
5. Visit the main Microsoft website and download the Office 2003 Compatibility Pack from the 'Downloads' area of the website (see Resource section). Follow the instructions on the site to download and install this software, which will make your Excel 2003 software compatible with newer versions so you can read and edit the .xlsx file format from newer versions of Excel. This enables you to exchange invoices and other business documents electronically without upgrading to newer versions of Excel.
6. Set aside time to do your Excel data entry when you won't be disturbed. You can use Excel throughout the workday to track your work flow, but many businesses experience a backlog in data entry. Excel can only help you track data if all data is entered, so make that part of your basic business operation.
7. Double-check all data you enter into Excel for accuracy. Excel cannot compensate for human error.
8. Back up all of your Excel documents regularly to an external hard drive, CD, USB drive or other media that is not part of your computer's hard drive. Regularly may mean daily for some businesses and weekly for others. Consider how much data you are willing to lose and base your backup schedule on the amount of data you would lose in a day versus time spent backing up.
9. Password-protect all documents containing private information, including your customers' contact information and any financial records you don't want others to access. Click 'Tools,' then 'Options,' and then click the 'Security' tab. Follow the dialog box instructions to secure your workbook and click 'OK.'
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How to Block Access to an Excel 2007 Worksheet

1. Open your worksheet in Excel, just as you would normally.
2. Click the top-right 'Windows' orb, hover your mouse pointer over 'Save As' and select 'Excel Workbook.'
3. Click 'Tools' at the bottom of the 'Save As' window and select 'General Options.'
4. Enter the password you would like to use next to 'Password to Open' and click 'OK.'
5. Re-enter your password and click 'OK.'
6. Click 'Save' and choose 'Yes' when prompted to save it over the existing file.
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How to Create an Input Box in Excel VBA

1. Click the Windows 'Start' button, 'All Programs,' 'Microsoft Office,' and the program you want to use to create an input box. After the software loads, open your document.
2. Click the 'Developer' tab or menu item.
3. Click 'VBA' to open the coding editor and locate the function or section of your file you want to use to display the input box.
4. Type the following code to create the input box: 'Dim input As String input= InputBox(Prompt:='Enter your name', Title:='Name Input')' This code displays an input box for the user to enter a name. The name stores in the 'input' variable.
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How to Create a List Box to Select Multiple Entries in Excel 2003

1. Enter the data you wish to format as a drop-down list within a single row or column. Make sure it is a single block of cells such as A2:A6.
2. Highlight the cells in your list. Click the 'Name' box next to the 'Formula' bar and enter a name for your list. Click 'Enter.'
3. Click 'Validation' from the 'Data' tab. Highlight the cells for which you created the list. Choose 'List' from the 'Validation' box. Type a '=' sign before the name of your list within the 'Source' box and click 'OK.'
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How to Create a Multiple Baseline Graph in Excel 2010

1. Type the label for your first baseline into cell A1. Type the label for your first intervention into cell B1, the next baseline in C1 and the next intervention in D1. Continue for as many baselines and interventions as you want to show in your graph.
2. Enter the data for the first baseline in column A. Enter the data for the first intervention in column B starting on the first row after the last entry in column A. Accordingly, you will have blank cells in column B where there is data in column A and blank cells in column A where there is data in column B. Continue for all of the columns so that each new set of data starts in the row below the last entry in the previous column.
3. Click and drag from cell A1 to the lower-right corner of your data. Click on the 'Insert' tab and choose 'Line' from the 'Charts' section. The multiple-baseline chart will be created with the baselines and interventions showing as separate lines on the chart.
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

How to Name a Field in Excel 2003

1. Open the Excel Workbook that contains the field you want to name.
2. Select the cell, column or row you want to name. Select a cell by clicking it. Select a column by clicking the column letter at the top of the spreadsheet. Select a row by clicking the row number on the left side of the spreadsheet. Select disconnected cells, columns or rows by holding down the 'CTRL' key while you make your selections.
3. Select a range by clicking and dragging to include cells. Select disconnected ranges by holding down the 'CTRL' key while you make your selections.
4. Find the name box in the spreadsheet. It is to the left of the formula bar directly above the column letters. The address of the first cell you selected is visible in the name box--unless you selected multiple ranges, then the first cell in the last range of cells selected is visible in the name box.
5. Click in the name box and type in the name you are giving the cell or range. Press the 'Enter' key.
6. Click the drop-down arrow in the name box to see the names of all the cells and ranges you have named.
7. Open the 'Define Name' dialog box by pressing 'CTRL F3' to review the names you have created and the cells to which they refer. Click the 'Close' button when done.
8. Use a named cell or range in a formula by replacing the cell or range address with the name you defined. For example,give the range of cells from A1 to A5 (A1:A5) the name 'blue.' Assuming those cells contain numbers, you can use the formula '=sum(blue)' instead of '=sum(A1:A5).'
9. Highlight a named range when creating a formula to insert the range name automatically. For example, using the named range 'blue' in the sum function will insert blue ('=sum(blue)') in place of the range from A1 to A5 ('=sum(A1:A5)').
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How to Add Multiple Cells in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Before you can add multiple cells, you need to define the area. You can easily do this by left-clicking on the desired cell and dragging the mouse cursor over the area where you wish to add cells and then releasing it. The selected area will stay highlighted.
2. Right-click on the highlighted area to access the Cell Properties submenu.
3. Add desired multiple cells. Scroll to “Insert” on the Cell Properties submenu and left-click to insert or add multiple cells.
4. Set cell rotation for the addition of cells. A cell insert properties box will open, in which you can select the rotation and placement of the cells to be added. You can shift the existing cells either to the left or down to make room, all by selecting the corresponding radial button.
5. Implement your changes. To add the multiple cells, click on the 'OK' button.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How do I Use VLookup in MS Excel?

1. Type '=VLOOKUP(' into the cell in that you want the result of this function to be displayed. Don't include the quotation marks.
2. Type in the value that you want the function to look for, followed by a comma. You can either type it in as a literal value. If it is text, make sure to enclose it in quotation marks. You can enter a cell reference.The function will search for whatever value is contained in the cell you refer to.
3. Enter the cell reference for the range of cells comprising the table, followed by another comma. For example, if your table consists of cells A1 through E10, enter in A1:E10. Alternatively, you can just click and drag a box around the table, and Excel will automatically put the cell reference into the formula. The function will search for the value you entered in step two in the first column of this range, so make sure the range you enter begins with the correct column.
4. Type in a number representing the column you want to get your result from, followed by another comma. For example, if you want the telephone number from the third column of the range you entered in Step three, type in 3. The number refers to columns in the range, not the column numbers in the spreadsheet. The first column, the column used to find the key value, is column 1.
5. Type TRUE or FALSE, followed by a closing parenthesis ')', then push Enter. You should use FALSE if you want the function to only find an exact match to your key value, or TRUE if want to let it find the nearest approximation.
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How to Use Less Than or Equal to Function in Excel

1. Select the cell to display the calculated result and insert the function for the comparative formula (by selecting 'Function' under 'Insert' in the top menu bar). Make sure to review the format of the formula in the dialog box to identify the information to be entered. For example, the formula format for IF is '=if(logical_test, value_if_TRUE, value_if_FALSE)' where the logical test is the comparative rule or conditional criterion, value-if-TRUE generates a response when both conditions match and value-if-FALSE generates a different response if both conditions do not match.
2. Type '(' and then select the cell containing the value for the criterion or type the desired value. For example, after the function '=if' is generated, type '(' and then select the A3 cell to display '=if(A3' in the formula bar.
3. Type '
4. Type ')', other information as specified by the formula format (in Step 1) and then press the 'Enter' key to complete the function. For example, the desired calculation will generate a display of 4 if the value in A3 is less than or equal to 100 or 500 if the value in A3 is greater than 100. The complete formula would read '=if(A3
5. Explore other functions to create comparative formulas such as COUNTIF and SUMIF where '
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