Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to Use Less Than or Equal to Function in Excel

1. Select the cell to display the calculated result and insert the function for the comparative formula (by selecting 'Function' under 'Insert' in the top menu bar). Make sure to review the format of the formula in the dialog box to identify the information to be entered. For example, the formula format for IF is '=if(logical_test, value_if_TRUE, value_if_FALSE)' where the logical test is the comparative rule or conditional criterion, value-if-TRUE generates a response when both conditions match and value-if-FALSE generates a different response if both conditions do not match.
2. Type '(' and then select the cell containing the value for the criterion or type the desired value. For example, after the function '=if' is generated, type '(' and then select the A3 cell to display '=if(A3' in the formula bar.
3. Type '
4. Type ')', other information as specified by the formula format (in Step 1) and then press the 'Enter' key to complete the function. For example, the desired calculation will generate a display of 4 if the value in A3 is less than or equal to 100 or 500 if the value in A3 is greater than 100. The complete formula would read '=if(A3
5. Explore other functions to create comparative formulas such as COUNTIF and SUMIF where '
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How to Insert a Microsoft Graph Chart in a Publisher Document

How to Insert a Microsoft Graph Chart in a Publisher Document
1. Open Publisher by double clicking on the Publisher Icon.
2. Go to the File pull-down menu and click once on new.
3. Go to the Insert pull-down menu. Click on it.
4. Click once on Object. An Insert object menu will pop up.
5. Choose on the Create from file option. You will see two options: Create new or Create from file. You would have chosen Create new if you wanted to create a new Microsoft graph chart. Since we are working on the assumption that you have a graph chart that you have already created and want to import it from somewhere else on your computer, you will need to choose the Create from file option. This is the option we will be looking at since we are focusing on inserting rather than creating a Microsoft graph chart in a Publisher document.
6. Click inside the small circle in front of Create from file.
7. Click on Browse to retrieve the file you want to get the Microsoft graph chart from.
8. Click once on the File you want to open.
9. Click on open. The Microsoft graph chart will automatically appear in you document.
10. Click on the chart and hold down the cursor to move the chart to the position you want it to be in your document.
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How to Insert Excel Data Into a Word 2007 Table

1. Open the Microsoft Word and Excel 2007 files. Locate the files from both software programs on the computer hard drive and double click on the file icon to open each.
2. Create the table in the Word document. Choose the 'Insert' tab and from that menu ribbon select 'Table' option. Next, choose the appropriate size of the table to insert in the Word document.
3. Highlight the data in Microsoft Excel to insert in the Word 2007 table. Left click the mouse and while holding the mouse button down, highlight the data in Microsoft Excel.
4. Copy the data from the Excel document. With the data highlighted, right click and choose 'Copy' from the right click menu.
5. Paste the data from the Excel document into the Word table. Select the word document and position the cursor inside the Microsoft Word 2007 table. Then, choose 'Paste Special' from the main menu in the paste dropdown box. From the paste special dialogue box choose the 'Microsoft Excel Worksheet Option' and insert the data into the table.
6. Save and close both documents when done. From the main file menu, choose 'Save' in both Microsoft Excel and Word to make certain the work is not lost.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Make a Bar Graph in Excel 2007

1. Start a new document and add data or open the document containing the data you wish to convert into a graph. Arrange the data with the item headers at the top of the column and data in the same column or the headers at the beginning of the row and the data to the right.
2. Select the data you want to include in the graph.
3. Click on the 'Insert' tab in the ribbon.
4. Click on the down arrow under the 'Bar' graph icon.
5. Choose the graph design you like the best. Your data will convert into a bar graph on the spreadsheet.
6. Click on the 'Design' tab to change colors, layout, add a title, switch the rows and columns, move the chart, change the chart type or save as a template.
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How to Lock Charts in Excel

1. Open the worksheet with the graph in Excel.
2. Click the 'Review' tab and then click 'Protect Sheet.'
3. Click 'Allow All Users of This Worksheet To' and then select the elements you want people to be able to change. For example, even though the chart is protected, you may want users to be able to format cells, insert rows or perform sort functions on the worksheet.
4. Type a password into the 'Password to Unprotect Sheet' box and then click 'OK.' You need to type the password again to confirm it.
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How to Calculate Age in Excel Using a Date of Birth

1. Open a new Microsoft Excel 2010 worksheet.
2. Click on cell A1. Enter the birth date of the person whose age you want to know. You can enter a date with dashes between the numbers, such as '3-30-1983.'
3. Click on cell B1 and enter this formula:=datedif(A1,today(),'y')In this example, 'A1' refers to the cell where you typed in the person's birth date. 'Today()' calls the current date on the machine. 'Y' indicates that Excel should give the result in years. Press 'Enter' on your keyboard to complete the formula entry, and the person's age will appear in cell B1.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to Delete an Embedded Chart in Excel

Delete an Excel Chart Object
1. Launch Microsoft Excel. Click the “File” tab followed by “Open” and open the workbook document that contains the embedded chart.
2. Click the chart object to select and highlight the item. After it is highlighted, Excel displays a box around the chart with “handle” dots around the edge of the box.
3. Press the “Delete” or “Del” key on your computer keyboard to delete the embedded chart.
Delete an Excel Chart Sheet
4. Highlight the chart sheet in the Excel workbook document.
5. Click the “Home” tab on the main menu ribbon across the top of the document.
6. Click the down-arrow icon in the “Delete” section of the “Cells” group. Select “Delete Sheet” from the pull-down options list.
7. Click “OK” in the confirmation dialog box. Excel deletes the chart sheet and the chart object.
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How to Import Excel 97 Macros to Excel 2003

1. Click 'Start' > 'All Programs' > 'Microsoft Office' > 'Microsoft Excel' to open Excel 2003.
2. Click 'File' > 'Open,' browse through your computer files to find the Excel 97 worksheet you want to import, select the file and then click 'Open' to open the Excel 97 worksheet in Excel 2003.
3. Click 'Tools' > 'Macro' > 'Security' to access the macro security options in Excel 2003.
4. Select the 'Medium' security setting to ensure that you are able to access most of the safe macros on any file but avoid accessing potentially harmful macros.
5. Click 'OK' to save the new security settings and then you'll be able to do whatever you need to do on the Excel 97 worksheet you just imported to Excel 2003.
6. Click 'File' > 'Save As,' select 'Excel 97-2002' from the 'File Type' menu and then click 'Save' to save the worksheet. Saving the worksheet in this manner will keep the worksheet accessible to any Excel version starting with Excel 97 and ending with Excel 2003.
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A Tutorial to Sort in Microsoft Excel

Excel 2003
1. Open the file in Excel 2003 with data that you would like to sort.
2. Highlight the data that you would like to sort. If you want to sort the entire worksheet, click the small rectangle located in the top-left corner between the 'A' column and the '1' row.
3. Click 'Data' from the drop-down menu located above the toolbar.
4. Click 'Sort.'
5. The 'Sort' dialog box is displayed. Specify which column you would like the data sorted by first, second and third.
6. Specify if you want the data sort in ascending (alphabetical or number sequence low to high) or descending (reverse alphabetical and number sequence high to low).
7. Under the 'My list has' section, choose whether your data has a 'Header Row' or 'No Header Row.' This refers to whether you input a title for the columns that you want to sort. For example, is one of the columns titled 'date' or 'name?' If you do have header titles for your columns, you can click the 'Header Row' radio button and Excel will sort the data starting below your header rows. If you do not have header rows, click the 'No Header Rows' radio button and Excel will sort all the data.
8. Click 'OK' to sort your data.
9. If you only want to sort a single column of data, highlight just the column of data you would like to sort and then follow steps 3 through 8.
Excel 2007 and 2010
10. Open the file in Excel 2007 or 2010 with data that you would like to sort.
11. Highlight the data that you would like to sort. If you want to sort the entire worksheet, click the small rectangle designated with a small triangle located in the top-left corner between the 'A' column and the '1' row.
12. Click on the 'Data' tab located across the top of the screen.
13. Locate the 'Sort Filter' box.
14. This box displays the options of 'Sort A to Z' (ascending order) or 'Sort Z to A' (descending order) or to choose custom sort under 'Sort.'
15. Clicking 'A to Z' or 'Z to A' will quickly sort the data you have highlighted.
16. Click 'Sort' to apply additional parameters for the sort.
17. A 'Sort' dialog box is opened displaying the parameter choices of 'Column,' 'Sort On' and 'Order.'
18. Click the 'Column' drop-down menu.
19. A listing of the highlighted columns is displayed. Choose which column you would like to first sort the data by (i.e., date, name, title).
20. Next click the 'Sort On' drop-down menu.
21. Excel allows you to choose which feature you would like to sort the data on. For example, you can choose to sort the data by the values in the cells, the color of the cell (if you have colored coded your data), the cell font color (if you have colored the text within the cell, such as negative numbers being colored red) or cell icon.
22. Next click the 'Order' drop-down menu.
23. Choose whether to sort the data in ascending (A to Z alphabetical or number sequence low to high) or descending (Z to A reverse alphabetical and number sequence high to low) order.
24. At this point, if you would like to sort the data by data in multiple columns, click the 'Add Level' button located at the top-left of the 'Sort' dialog box. This feature allows you to sort first by the data in one column and then by the data in a second column, third column and so on. For example, if you have an address book in Excel, you could choose to sort the address book first by last name, then by first name. At that point, you could even choose to sort it by a third criterion of city. Your data would then be displayed in alphabetical order by last name and then first name, and then categorized by city.
25. Click 'OK' when you are finished setting the parameters.
26. If you only want to sort a single column of data, click in the column header cell of the column of data you would like to sort and then click either the 'A to Z' or 'Z to A' button.
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How to Move a Picture, Text Box or Other Object in PowerPoint, Excel or Word Exactly Where You Want it

Removing Word Restrictions
1. Launch the Word 2010 document that contains the object that you want to move.
2. Click the object, and then click the 'Format' tab on the far-right end of the Word ribbon.
3. Click the 'Arrange' button in the ribbon. Select 'Wrap Text' from the menu that appears. Then choose 'Through,'Behind Text' or 'In Front of Text.' Any of these three options release the object so that you can click on the object's border and move it where you want.
Removing PowerPoint Restrictions
4. Open the PowerPoint 2010 presentation that contains the object you want to move.
5. Click the object, and then click the 'Format' tab at the top of the screen.
6. Click the 'Arrange' button in the PowerPoint ribbon, and then click the 'Align' button on the menu that appears. Finally, click 'Grid Settings' to open up a small window.
7. Remove the check mark from the 'Snap objects to grid' option by clicking on the check box. Click the 'OK' button to close the window. Your PowerPoint objects can now be positioned anywhere on the presentation.
Precisely Moving Objects
8. Open the Excel, Word or PowerPoint file that holds the object you want to move.
9. Select the object that you want to move.
10. Press and hold the 'Ctrl' key on your keyboard. If you are moving a text box, click any of the four corners to select the box without placing the cursor inside the box. Tap the arrow keys to move the object one pixel in the direction of the arrow that you press.
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How to Create Axis Bar Graphs in Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel. Start with a new document or load an existing spreadsheet with data you wish to analyze.
2. Organize the data in a row structure. If you are creating a new spreadsheet, type different items of the same data set over many rows within the same column. For example, if you wish to graph daily temperature changes, create a column heading called 'Temperature' in cell A1. Then, type each day's weather below it in cells A2, A3 and on down through column A. Do not skip any rows.
3. Click on any cell within the data column so Excel recognizes the active set of data. It is not necessary to highlight or select the data, as Excel can easily recognize where the list begins and ends.
4. Click the 'Chart' button on the tool bar. Optionally, click on the 'Insert' menu and choose the 'Chart' option. A pop-up window will appear.
5. Select the chart type you wish from the list. To create a conventional bar graph, choose either the 'bar' or 'column' graph types. Both create a bar chart, but change the angle of the bars to either horizontal or vertical.
6. Select a chart sub-type from the selection to the right of the chart type list. This selection changes depending on the chart type you choose. Bar charts can be presented in a three-dimensional view or with various forms of color shading.
7. Press the 'Next' button.
8. Choose the 'Rows' option, since your data exists within a row structure. A preview of the final chart will appear in the window.
9. Press the 'Next' button.
10. Add an additional explanation to either axis. The column heading of column A is automatically selected as the 'X' axis title. You may offer additional wording to describe the axis in the 'Category X Axis' field, if desired, to maintain full control over the axis of the bar graph.
11. Press the 'Finish' button. Your bar graph is now created in Excel.
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Monday, December 26, 2011

How to Copy a Worksheet As a Picture in Excel 2007

1. Highlight the area that you want to copy as a picture. Click in the uppermost left cell and drag to the lowermost right cell while holding down the mouse button.
2. Click the 'Copy' drop-down menu on the 'Home' tab. Select the 'Copy as Picture' option. This action will launch a separate dialog window.
3. Select 'As shown on screen' to copy the selection as a screen shot, or select 'As shown when printed' to copy the selection as it would appear printed on a page. Select the 'Picture' option to copy the worksheet as a scalable image, or select 'Bitmap.' The 'Bitmap' copy will result in more distortion if you need to enlarge the worksheet picture after it is pasted into another document. Click the 'OK' button to copy the worksheet. You may now paste the picture into another document using the 'Paste' option.
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How to Prevent Excel From Dropping Off Leading Zeros

1. Open your Microsoft Excel document or a new Excel document.
2. Select the cells you would like to modify. If you wish to modify the entire spreadsheet to show leading zeros, click the diamond icon in the upper left of the workbook window, or click the 'Edit' drop-down menu and choose 'Select All.' If you want to select only a portion of the cells, click the leading cell and drag to highlight additional cells. Also, you can click the letter at the top of a column to highlight an individual column. You can do the same for rows by clicking the number at the beginning of a row.
3. Select the 'Format' drop-down menu. Choose 'Cells...' or 'Format Cells,' depending on the release of Excel you are running. A window will pop up.
4. Choose the 'Number' menu within the 'Format Cells' window. Scroll down through the list of various categories and select 'Text.' This will allow any data put into a cell to be displayed as it was input. Click 'OK.'
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to Create a Pivot Table From Multiple Pivot Tables

1. Open the PivotTable you would like to work with. Also open a worksheet you would like to consolidate all other pivot table information onto from one PivotTable.
2. Click on a cell with the new worksheet where you want to start the consolidated data.
3. Click 'Consolidate' on the Data menu.
4. Click on 'Sum' (or another function) in the Summary function in the Function box. This is the function you want Microsoft Excel to use to consolidate the data.
5. Input the sheet tab of the first range to consolidate in the Reference box and repeat for each PivotTable you want to grab information from. Select 'Create links to source data' check box if you want to update the data and need to know which PivotTables are open to access the data.
6. Create a new PivotTable from the consolidated data. On the Data menu, click 'PivotTable and PivotChart Report.' Use the data from the consolidated worksheet for your data range and click through all other options. Click 'Finished' for consolidated PivotTable.
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How to Remove Encryption in Excel 2007

1. Open the encrypted spreadsheet in Excel, which will require your password.
2. Click the circle in the upper-left side of the Excel window. This will appear just before 'Home' on the menu and will have a Windows logo inside. In the drop-down menu, select 'Prepare' and then 'Encrypt Document.'
3. Delete the password in the window entitled 'Encrypt Document.' Press 'OK' to remove the password from your spreadsheet.
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