Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to Show a Comment Box in a Cell With a Drop Down List in Excel

1. Open the Microsoft Excel application on your computer, then open a file. Create a list of entries for the drop-down list in a single column.
2. Select the cell where you want the drop-down list to appear. Click on the 'Data' option from the top toolbar menu.
3. Click on the 'Validation' option then click on the 'Settings' tab. Click on the 'List' option from the 'Allow' box.
4. Enter a reference to your list in the 'Source' box. Click on the box next to the 'In-cell drop-down' field so it's selected.
5. Click on the 'Input Message' tab. Click on the box next to the 'Show input message when cell is selected' field so it's selected. Type the message you want and the comment box will appear in the cell.
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How to Find Probability in Excel 2007

1. Open Excel 2007 and select the 'Formulas' tab.
2. Click on the icon for 'Other Formulas.' A pop-out menu will show up. Select 'Statistical Formulas' from the pop-out menu.
3. Select BINOMDIST. A dialog box will appear with four fields.
4. Enter the number of successful tests in for the first field.
5. Enter the number of trials in the second field.
6. Enter the probability of success for a given success in the third field.
7. Enter TRUE or FALSE in the fourth field. Use TRUE if the probability distribution is cumulative, and FALSE if it's not.
8. Read the result from the bottom of the dialog box.
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How to Combine Bar Graphs in Excel

1. Open the document with the data that you would like to combine into one bar graph. If you have created any graphs or charts at this point, delete them by right-clicking and selecting 'Delete.'
2. Highlight only the data for the first graph. For example, if you wanted to combine the 'Expenses' and 'Profit' graphs together, only highlight one of those pieces of information.
3. Click 'Insert' and choose 'Bar' from the 'Charts' group. Choose the specific type of bar graph that you would like. It should appear to the right of the information you highlighted.
4. Highlight the second set of data, making sure to unhighlight the first set of data. Press 'Ctrl c' to copy the information. Click on the graph and press 'Ctrl v.' This should insert the second set of information into the graph. Repeat for any other pieces of information.
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How to Attach Macros to All in Excel

1. Click 'View' and then click 'Macros.'
2. Click 'Record' macro to open the Record Macro window.
3. Click the arrow underneath 'Store macro in:' to open the drop down menu.
4. Click 'Personal macro workbook' to store the macro in the Personal.xls workbook. The macro will be available for use in any workbook.
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How to Create an Invoice in MS Excel

1. Navigate to the Microsoft Office templates website. This will display a list of invoice templates (blank, preformatted documents with categories that that you can fill in).
2. Click on the name of the template you would like to use.
3. Click on the 'Download' button on the next page. You will need to accept the Microsoft Service Agreement by clicking on the 'Accept' button. The document will download to your computer.
4. Open Microsoft Excel. Click on 'File' and then 'Open' in Excel 2003; in Excel 2007, click on the 'Office' button and then click 'Open.'
5. Find the downloaded template file on your computer and open the document. The template will load and open in an Excel spreadsheet, ready to fill in.
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How to Replace Text in Excel 2007

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet that you want to replace text for. Click on any cell in the spreadsheet.
2. Click on the 'Home' tab and then click on the 'Find and Select' option from the 'Editing' group.
3. Click on the 'Replace' button. Enter the text that you want to find in the 'Find what' text box and then enter the text you want to replace that with into the 'Replace with' text box.
4. Click on the 'Options' button to define your search by selecting specific rows or columns, to search for case-sensitive data, or to match the entire cell contents.
5. Click on the 'Replace' option to replace text that is found or click on the 'Replace All' option to replace all of the text throughout your spreadsheet.
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Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Open Word or Excel in a Specific Program

Open an Excel Document in Another Specific Program
1. Start Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the 'File' tab and then click 'Options' under 'Help.'
3. Click 'Save,' then click 'Save files in this format.' Under 'Save Workbooks,' select a default format from the list and then click 'Save.'
4. Start the specific program and then open your file with the new default format.
Save and Then Open a Word Document in Another Specific Program
5. Start Microsoft Word, click the 'File' tab and then click 'Open.'
6. Click 'OpenDocument Text' from the 'File of type' list.
7. Select the Word file you want to open in another specific program and then click 'Open.'
8. Click the 'File' tab and then 'OpenDocument Text' from the 'Save as type' list.
9. Type in a name for your file and then click 'Save.'
10. Start the specific program you want to use and then open your file.
Link an Excel Worksheet or Word document in Another Specfic Program
11. Start either Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word as well as the specific program to which you want to link the data. (Note: These steps apply to Microsoft Office 2010 programs.)
12. Select the data from either Excel or Word that you want to create a link from and then press and hold 'CTRL C.'
13. Go to the specific program and then click on the area where you want the Excel or Word file link to appear.
14. Click the arrow for 'Paste' from the 'Home' tab's 'Clipboard' group, then click 'Paste Special.'
15. Select 'Microsoft Office Excel object' from the 'As' list and then click 'Paste link.' (Note: Alternately, you can click 'Paste' to embed the object as static, which will not be automatically updated.)
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How to Add a Pointer to Table in Excel 2007

1. Open the Excel file that contains the table to which you want to add the pointer.
2. Click the 'Insert' tab on the Excel Ribbon.
3. Click the 'Shapes' button. Click one of the arrow icons in the 'Lines' section to select it.
4. Click and drag your mouse from a space on your Excel worksheet to the cell in the table to which you want the arrow to point.
5. Click and drag the pointer's circular resize handles to resize the arrow to an appropriate length. Hover over the arrow you inserted with your mouse until a four-way arrow appears. Click and drag the arrow if you want to move or reposition it in the table.
6. Click the 'Format' tab in the 'Drawing Tools' section on the Ribbon. Click the options in the 'Shape Styles' group if you want to add an outline to the pointer, change its thickness and add other effects like a reflection or glow.
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How to Create a Check Register in Excel

1. Label columns A through G in the first row, as follows: cleared, date, check #, item description, debit, credit and balance. Highlight columns E, F and G (debit, credit and balance) and right-click to 'Format cells...' and adjust these columns to represent currency. Column B can be adjusted for date format in the same manner.
2. Extend the width of these columns as far as you need by clicking on the right edge of the column and dragging toward the right. For example, the 'item description' column will need to be much longer than the 'cleared' column.
3. Key in your first entry as 'starting balance,' including the date, and enter the balance your check register begins with.
4. Enter in the box below the balance you just entered in Step 3 the following formula: =G2-E3 F3. Hit 'Enter.' That field should now read the same as the balance you keyed in above it.
5. Click on the box you just entered your formula into, and you will see that it is highlighted with a small square at the bottom right-hand corner. Click and hold the small square, dragging the formula down to as many rows as you desire.
6. Take note that all of the balance fields now contain the same amount; however, as you enter in your checking account information, the balance will adjust for you, giving you the new total.
7. Mark an 'X' in the 'cleared' column on any items you know have cleared your bank to balance your check register. Take your most recent bank statement total and add any un-Xed outstanding deposits and subtract any un-Xed outstanding debits. The balance you show on your spreadsheet should equal this calculation.
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How to Count Duplicate Value in Excel 2003

1. Double-click the Excel 2003 XLS file on your hard drive. The file loads in the Excel 2003 software for you to edit its content.
2. Click an empty cell in the column directly after your document information. Type the following function in the empty cell:=IF(COUNTIF(A2:A7,A2)>1,1,'')Replace the cell ranges with the cells you want to check for duplicates.
3. Click another empty cell and type '='. This triggers the 'function' feature in Excel. Select 'Sum' from the 'Function Name' drop-down and highlight the column used previously to detect duplicates. Press 'Enter.' The result is the sum of all duplicate records.
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How to Remove All Macros in Excel 2007

1. Open up your spreadsheet workbook in Microsoft Excel.
2. Press (ALT) (F11). This will open up the VBA editor.
3. Right-click on the module associated with the macro. You'll find all of the modules that are active in your current spreadsheet in the upper left-hand corner.
4. Select 'Remove Module X,' where 'Module X' will be the name of the module you want to remove. Excel will ask if you would like to export Module X. Click 'No.'
5. Repeat steps three and four until you've removed all of the modules associated with your workbook.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

How do I Delete Control From Excel Spreadsheet at Runtime?

1. Click the Office Button, then click 'Excel Options'.
2. Select the 'Popular' category and check the 'Show Developer Tab In The Ribbon' box. Click 'OK'.
3. Open the Developer tab and click 'Design Mode'.
4. Find the control you want to delete. It will be surrounded by a border, either simple and thin, or thick and dotted, depending on whether or not it is an ActiveX control. Click on this border to select the control.
5. Press the 'DELETE' key on your keyboard.
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How to Rotate a Worksheet in MS Excel 2003

1. Select the entire table you want to rotate by left clicking at the top, left cell, dragging the mouse down to the bottom, right corner, and releasing.
2. Press 'Ctrl' and 'C' at the same time to copy your table.
3. Select a cell somewhere outside of the table you're rotating. You can even select a cell on a different worksheet entirely.
4. Click the black, down arrow under 'Paste' in the Clipboard section of the Home tab. Select 'Paste Special.'
5. Click the 'Transpose' check box, then click 'OK' to paste the transposed data.
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How to Create an Email Distribution Mailing List in Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel. Start with a new blank document.
2. Type column headers across row one. Your emails created from the distribution list can include any type of personalized information you desire. The most important column that must be included is the actual email address, so be sure one column header says 'Email' or 'Email address' to make this clear. Alternately, you may include first and last names or other information that will be unique for each email.
3. Enter the data for each recipient on a separate row. The first recipient in the email distribution list will be listed on row two, directly under the column headers. Type the email address in the appropriate column and any other information required by your distribution list, such as the recipient's name.
4. Save the Excel document under any file name you choose. Your email distribution list is now complete.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Calculate Subtotal

Calculating a Subtotal in a Few Easy Steps
1. Obtain a data set. This means that you need to have a set of numerical values listed. Using the example of a checking account deposit, this would be the checks and/or cash amounts that you need to deposit. Deposit slips have blank boxes for you to fill in these values.
2. Write your values down. For instance, you may have a check for $50.27, a check for $85 and $75 in cash that you wish to deposit. In the section for checks on your deposit slip, you would write 50.27 and 85.00. In the blank section for cash, you would record 75.00.
3. Add your data set. Using a calculator or just old-fashioned math skills, you should total your figures. In this example, you would perform the following operation: 50.27 85.00 75.00 = 210.27. This is your subtotal.
4. Perform any additional mathematical steps to your subtotal. Once you've obtained the subtotal, you may need to complete additional steps. For instance, if you are depositing money, but you want to keep out some of the money, you have to subtract from your subtotal. In this example, assume you want to keep out $15.50 from the deposit. You would subtract this amount from the subtotal, as illustrated with the following equation: 210.27 - 15.50 = 194.77. Your final deposit would be $194.77.
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