Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to Divide Excel Pivot Table Data Into Separate Spreadsheets Within the Same Workbook

1. Click on the worksheet in the Excel file that contains the Pivot Table. You can do this by clicking the appropriate worksheet tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet window.
2. View the Pivot Table and identify the summary calculations along its right side. Pivot Tables can create many different types of calculations, but all are based on the groups indicated in the Pivot Table, and the results of these calculations appear to the right of each group's row.
3. Double-click a result calculation in a single row of the Pivot Table. All the records from the original spreadsheet that comprise that Pivot Table group are instantly copied and pasted into a new spreadsheet in the same workbook. The column headers remain intact.
4. Click back to the worksheet that contains the Pivot Table.
5. Double-click the result calculations for each of the other rows in the Pivot Table, using this same process. Excel creates a new spreadsheet for each group. You will have to click back to the Pivot Table worksheet after creating each spreadsheet so you can move on to the next row. Since the Pivot Table contains groups that summarize all the original spreadsheet data, the entire data source is divided into separate spreadsheets after you finish this process.
6. Click the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the Excel window to view the different spreadsheets in this workbook.
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How to Convert Numbers to Words in Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Press the 'Alt' and 'F11' keys simultaneously to start the Visual Basic Editor.
3. On the Insert menu, click 'Module' and type the following code into the module sheet (Note: Omit the '*').Option Explicit'Main FunctionFunction SpellNumber(ByVal MyNumber)Dim Dollars, Cents, TempDim DecimalPlace, CountReDim Place(9) As StringPlace(2) = ' Thousand 'Place(3) = ' Million 'Place(4) = ' Billion 'Place(5) = ' Trillion '' String representation of amount.MyNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber))' Position of decimal place 0 if none.DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, '.')' Convert cents and set MyNumber to dollar amount.If DecimalPlace > 0 ThenCents = GetTens(Left(Mid(MyNumber, DecimalPlace 1) _'00', 2))MyNumber = Trim(Left(MyNumber, DecimalPlace - 1))End IfCount = 1Do While MyNumber
''Temp = GetHundreds(Right(MyNumber, 3))If Temp
'' Then Dollars = Temp Place(Count) DollarsIf Len(MyNumber) > 3 ThenMyNumber = Left(MyNumber, Len(MyNumber) - 3)ElseMyNumber = ''End IfCount = Count 1LoopSelect Case DollarsCase ''Dollars = 'No Dollars'Case 'One'Dollars = 'One Dollar'Case ElseDollars = Dollars ' Dollars'End SelectSelect Case CentsCase ''Cents = ' and No Cents'Case 'One'Cents = ' and One Cent'Case ElseCents = ' and ' Cents ' Cents'End SelectSpellNumber = Dollars CentsEnd Function' Converts a number from 100-999 into textFunction GetHundreds(ByVal MyNumber)Dim Result As StringIf Val(MyNumber) = 0 Then Exit FunctionMyNumber = Right('000' MyNumber, 3)' Convert the hundreds place.If Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1)
'0' ThenResult = GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1)) ' Hundred 'End If' Convert the tens and ones place.If Mid(MyNumber, 2, 1)
'0' ThenResult = Result GetTens(Mid(MyNumber, 2))ElseResult = Result GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 3))End IfGetHundreds = ResultEnd Function' Converts a number from 10 to 99 into text.Function GetTens(TensText)Dim Result As StringResult = '' ' Null out the temporary function value.If Val(Left(TensText, 1)) = 1 Then ' If value between 10-19...Select Case Val(TensText)Case 10: Result = 'Ten'Case 11: Result = 'Eleven'Case 12: Result = 'Twelve'Case 13: Result = 'Thirteen'Case 14: Result = 'Fourteen'Case 15: Result = 'Fifteen'Case 16: Result = 'Sixteen'Case 17: Result = 'Seventeen'Case 18: Result = 'Eighteen'Case 19: Result = 'Nineteen'Case ElseEnd SelectElse ' If value between 20-99...Select Case Val(Left(TensText, 1))Case 2: Result = 'Twenty 'Case 3: Result = 'Thirty 'Case 4: Result = 'Forty 'Case 5: Result = 'Fifty 'Case 6: Result = 'Sixty 'Case 7: Result = 'Seventy 'Case 8: Result = 'Eighty 'Case 9: Result = 'Ninety 'Case ElseEnd SelectResult = Result GetDigit _(Right(TensText, 1)) ' Retrieve ones place.End IfGetTens = ResultEnd Function' Converts a number from 1 to 9 into text.Function GetDigit(Digit)Select Case Val(Digit)Case 1: GetDigit = 'One'Case 2: GetDigit = 'Two'Case 3: GetDigit = 'Three'Case 4: GetDigit = 'Four'Case 5: GetDigit = 'Five'Case 6: GetDigit = 'Six'Case 7: GetDigit = 'Seven'Case 8: GetDigit = 'Eight'Case 9: GetDigit = 'Nine'Case Else: GetDigit = ''End SelectEnd Function
4. Save in the final workbook environment you will be working in, and either create a new copy by selecting 'Save as' every time or continuously update the original workbook.
5. You must enable macros for this function to work. In order to use this function, use one of these methods. Use a direct entry method where you changed 24.35 into 'Twenty Four Dollars and Thirty Five Cents.' Go into the cell or another cell and type: =Spellnumber(24.35).Another method would be cell reference. Do this by referring to another cell you want turned into words. An example is enter =SpellNumber(A1) in another cell and it will turn into 'Twenty Four Dollars and Thirty Five Cents.'You can refer to other cells in the workbook. For example, enter the number 32.50 into cell A1, and type the following formula into another cell:=SpellNumber(A1)
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How to Create a Pie Chart in Excel That Illustrates a Portion That Contributes to a Total

1. Open Microsoft Excel. Click into the first cell on the spreadsheet, A1. Type the first sector of items to calculate for the pie chart, such as 'Cats.' Press the 'Enter' key to drop to the next cell, A2. Type the next item, such as 'Dogs.' Continue entering items until all are listed.
2. Click into cell B1. Type the number to use for the pie chart calculations, such as '100.' Press the 'Enter' key to drop into cell B2 and type the number corresponding with the entry in column A. Repeat until all of column A's cells have numbers in column B.
3. Highlight all of the cells you just entered. Click the 'Insert' tab at the top of the workspace.
4. Click the drop-down arrow below the 'Pie' chart button. Click the second button under '2-D Pie,' which is the exploded pie and looks like a Pac-Man. Excel automatically produces a pie chart showing portions of the pie contributing to the total pie.
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How to Change Color of Selected Cells in Excel 2007

Manual Color Change
1. Highlight the selected cells you wish to change color. Hold the left mouse button down while running your mouse pointer over the selected cells, provided the cells are continuous. If the cells do not touch each other and are more selective, you can hold the Ctrl (Control) button as you click each cell you wish to highlight.
2. Select the 'Home' tab on the top tool bar. Underneath 'Home' should be seven sections, with labels on the bottom of each section. The section names should be: 'Clipboard,' 'Font,' 'Alignment,' 'Number,' 'Styles,' 'Cells' and 'Editing.'
3. Click the down arrow next to the icon that looks like a paint can, located in the 'Font' section. Select one of the 'Theme Colors' or 'Standard Colors' by clicking on the colored box representing the color you want. If you don't see the desired color, click 'More Colors...' for more standard and custom color options. Once you have clicked on the desired color, the cells you highlighted will change to the color you selected.
Automatic Color Change
4. Highlight the selected cells you wish to change color. Excel 2007 offers conditional formatting enabling you to set the cells to automatically change color based on the rules you set.
5. Select the 'Home' tab on the top toolbar. Click on 'Conditional Formatting' in the 'Styles' section. A drop-down box will appear with options.
6. Move your mouse over 'Highlight Cells Rules' at the top of the drop-down box. Another box will appear to the side listing the most common rules used, plus an option to select 'More Rules...' should you not immediately find what you need.
7. Select 'Greater Than...' or the rule most appropriate for your formatting. If you use 'Greater Than...,' a small box will pop up with the cursor automatically in a blank box on the left and color descriptions in a box on the right of the little screen. The same box will appear for all represented rules, but with different titles for the purpose of the rule's function.
8. Enter the value that highlighted cells should be greater than in order to change color. Click the drop-down arrow next to the color description box on the right, and select one of the predetermined cell formats, or select 'Custom Format...' to create your own rules on how the cells should look. Click OK when you are done. Your cells will now change color depending upon the number entered.
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How to Link Excel Charts to Powerpoint

1. Click the 'Start' button on the lower left corner of your screen, and point your cursor to 'All Programs.' Scroll down, and click 'Microsoft Office' in the alphabetical list of your programs, then 'Microsoft PowerPoint.'
2. Click the 'Insert' tab on the ribbon on Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. If you're using PowerPoint 2003, click the fourth menu item, labeled 'Insert,' on the upper left side.
3. Click 'Object' on the right side of the ribbon if you're using PowerPoint 2007 and 'Object' in the 'Insert' menu if you're using 2003.
4. Click the second radio button on the left, labeled 'Create from File,' and click 'Browse....' Click the location of the Excel chart in the left panel, and double-click the file on the main panel on the right.
5. Click the toggle box labeled 'Link' next to the 'Browse...' button. Click 'OK' on the right side. This will link your Excel chart into your presentation.
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How to Create a BOM Using MS Excel

1. Start Excel by double-clicking the Excel icon on your taskbar or desktop, or click 'Start,' point to 'Programs' or 'All Programs' and select 'Microsoft Excel.'
2. Go to the 'File' menu in Excel 2003 and select 'New' or click the 'Office Button' in Excel 2007 and select 'New.'
3. Type 'bill of materials' into the 'Search Office Online' under 'Templates.' Click 'Go' or press 'Enter.'
4. Select the BOM template you want to use. Click 'Download.' The template opens as a new Excel worksheet. Go to the 'File' menu in Excel 2003 or the 'Office Button' in Excel 2007 and click 'Save As.' Enter a name for the worksheet and save the file in your desired location.
5. Enter the job name, material descriptions, costs and quantities and dates purchased or used. Save the file again before closing and print as needed.
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How to Remove Cells with Zeros from Excel 2007

1. Click 'Alt' and 'F11' to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
2. Click 'Insert' and then click 'Module.'
3. Cut and paste the following code into the blank window:Sub CleanZeros()Dim c As RangeFor Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRangeIf c = 0 And Len(c) > 0 Then c.DeleteNext cEnd Sub
4. Press 'F5' to run the macro.
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Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Share an Excel 2003 Spreadsheet With Multiple Users

1. Open Excel 2003 by clicking the program's icon on your computer's desktop or by selecting the program's name on the “All Programs” menu.
2. Click “File” followed by “Open.” Navigate to the directory containing the spreadsheet you want to share with other users. Double-click the spreadsheet's file name to open the file.
3. Click “Tools” and select “Share Workbook.” The “Share Workbook” dialog box will open.
4. Click the check box next “Allow changes by more than one user at the same time.”
5. Click the “Advanced” tab, if you want to change the default settings related to sharing a spreadsheet.
6. Click “OK” to close the “Share Workbook” dialog box.
7. Click “OK” when prompted with the question “This action will now save the workbook. Do you want to continue?” The Excel 2003 spreadsheet is now shared. You will see the file name of the spreadsheet at the top of the screen and the wording “[Shared]” next to it.
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How to Add Minutes Seconds

Add the minutes and the seconds separately.
Add up all the minutes and separately add up all the seconds. For three values as follows, two minutes and 33 seconds, 12 minutes and 10 seconds and 17 minutes and 23 seconds, the total minutes is 31 and the total seconds is 66.
2. Divide the total number of seconds by 60 to convert the seconds into minutes. In the example, 66 divided by 60 is one minute, six seconds.
3. Add the minutes and the seconds. The total is 32 minutes, six seconds.
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How to Use the Microsoft Excel Program

Create a chart or graph from information on a spreadsheet. Select the cells to be included in the chart. In Excel 2003, click the 'Chart Wizard' button on the toolbar. In Excel 2007, go to the 'Insert' tab of the ribbon and select a type of chart. Or press the 'F11' key to create an instant, basic chart.
Format the chart by right clicking it and selecting 'Chart Type' to change the type or subtype of the graph. Right click and select 'Format Plot Area' to alter the chart background.
Make a header or footer for the spreadsheet. In Excel 2003, go to the 'View' menu and click 'Header and Footer.' In Excel 2007, go to the 'Insert' tab and click 'HeaderFooter.' Select 'Custom Header' or 'Custom Footer' to enter text or graphics.
Create a drop-down list. Select a cell or cell range to contain a list. In Excel 2003, go to the 'Data' menu and click 'Validation.' In Excel 2007, go to the 'Data' tab and click 'Validation.' Select 'List' under 'Allow' on the 'Settings' tab. Enter the list items in the 'Source' box, with a comma between each one.
Add functions to cells or ranges. Select the cell in which the calculation should appear and click the 'Insert Function' button to the left of the Formula Bar. Type a description of what you want to do and select the function that best suits your need.
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How to Make a Graph on Excel With Intervals of 0.5

1. Open the Excel 2010 spreadsheet file that contains the data you want to make into a graph.
2. Click on any cell within the data field that you want to use in your graph, then click the 'Insert' tab at the top of the window. Click on your desired chart type from the Charts area of the ribbon, then click on the specific chart that you wish to create. Excel will place the chart in the middle of your spreadsheet.
3. Click on any of the white space in the chart to select the entire chart, then click the 'Layout' tab at the top of the screen. Click the drop-down box on the left end of the ribbon and choose 'Vertical (Value) Axis.' If you have created an XY Scatter chart and want to modify the horizontal axis, you can instead choose 'Horizontal (Value) Axis.' Click the 'Format Selection' button, located just below the drop-down box, to open the Format Axis window.
4. Select the 'Fixed' radio button next to 'Major Unit' on the right side of the window. Place your cursor into the text box to the right of this radio button and type '0.5' into the box.
5. Click 'Close' to close the window and see your new axis on the chart.
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How to Make a List with Colors Using Microsoft Excel 2007

1. Open Excel 2007 and enter data into your spreadsheet. Make sure that you include a few rows and columns as you add your data.
2. Highlight a few rows of data and click the 'Home' tab. Click the 'Fill Color' icon in the 'Font' group. Select a color for these cells.
3. Highlight the remaining rows of data. Click the 'Home' tab and select the 'Fill Color' icon. Select a different color for this set of cells.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to Use Excel Dashboard

1. Open Excel.
2. Download or create your data as an Excel spreadsheet, with the first row containing the column names. Select 'Save As' in the 'File' menu, name your file, and click 'Save.' Select 'Exit' on the file menu to close the Excel program.
3. Open the Excel Dashboard program. Select the 'Excel' button. The driver field will auto-fill. Select the 'Access/Excel File' button. Select the file name, and the 'Connect Name' will auto-fill.
4. Select 'New Blank Dashboard' in the 'Choose Action' box. Name the dashboard. Select 'OK.' Expand the menu in the 'Table Browser' window. Double-click on the file to be opened. Select the top alias box to select all of the column titles. Select a column to change its name, if required. Select 'Create table.'
5. Right-click the first item of data in a column. Select 'Create' and 'Create Calculation' to add calculations to the raw data. Select the first column to be used in the calculation. Select the operation symbol. Select the second column to be used in the calculation. Select a name for the 'Total' column. Select 'Use This Formula.'
6. Right-click the title of a column. Select 'Create Chart' from the pop-up menu.
7. Select the type of chart from the drop-down menu in the 'Chart Factory' window. Select the columns to be used for the X and Y axes. Select the Y aggregation type. Select 'Create Chart.' Right-click the 'Get Name' in the 'Chart Editor.' Select 'Full Apply.' Repeat this process to create further charts.
8. Select 'Save As' in the Dashboard 'File' menu. Select the file to be saved or type it into the 'File Name' box. Select 'Close All' from the 'File' menu.
9. Select 'Open' from the 'File' menu. Select the required file. Select 'Open.' Select the 'Name' portlet, and select the scissors to delete the data relating to the charts, if required. Select 'Yes' in the 'Warning' box to delete the table. Repeat this process for other charts that are no longer required.
10. Select 'Save As' in the Dashboard 'File' menu. Type the new file name to be saved in the 'File Name' box. Select 'Close All' from the 'File' menu.
11. Right-click and change the 'Get Name' in the 'Chart Editor.' Select the 'Edit' option, and retype the name.
12. Drag the corners of each portlet to resize the charts. Select 'Edit.' Select 'Resize Mode.' Select 'Align' and the alignment option to do a group alignment.
13. Select 'Save As' in the Dashboard 'File' menu. Type the new file name to be saved in the 'File Name' box. Select 'Close All' from the 'File' menu.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How to Sort Data in Excel 2003

1. Open the Excel 2003 file that contains the information you need to sort.
2. Click and hold on the top left cell in the data that you want to sort. Drag the mouse to the bottom right cell and release the button. Your selected data will now be highlighted in a different color.
3. Click 'Data' on the right side of the toolbar on the top of the window. Choose 'Sort' from the drop-down menu to open the 'Sort' window.
4. Click the drop-down arrow next to 'Sort By' and select the column that you want to sort by. You can also choose to sort the data further by selecting additional columns in the 'Then By' fields. Next to each column selection, you can choose to select 'Ascending' or 'Descending' depending on how you want to sort the data. If your columns do not have a header row, select 'No header row' at the bottom of the window.
5. Click 'OK' to close the window, and Excel 2003 will sort your data.
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How to Open a 2003 Excel Workfile From 2007 Excel

1. Launch Excel 2007.
2. Click the Microsoft Office button in the top left corner of Excel.
3. Click 'Open.' This brings up a list of files in your default directory. Find the directory where your Excel 2003 file resides if it is not displayed in the default list.
4. Double-click the Excel 2003 file to open it. If you do not see your Excel 2003 document in the list, click the down arrow on the button that says 'All Excel Files,' and select 'All Files' or 'Excel Files' instead. The Excel 2003 file opens in Excel 2007.
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