1. Open a new Microsoft Excel worksheet and type 'Initial Investment' in cell A1. Put the cost of the project in cell B1. For example, assume a project costs $500.2. Type 'Annual Cash Inflows' in cell A2. Put your estimated cash inflows each year in cell B2. In the example, assume you receive $60 a year from the project.3. Type 'Payback' in cell A3.4. Type '=B1/B2' in cell B3. In the example, B3 will say 8.333333333. The project will take about eight years and three months to cover its cos...
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
How to Change the Background Color in MS Excel
1. Select the cell or cells in which you wish to change the background color. In Excel 2007, click on the 'Home' tab to view the 'Home' ribbon.2. Click on the arrow next to the paint bucket icon in the 'Font' section. This is the 'Fill Color' button. In Excel 2003, the paint bucket icon is located in the 'Formatting' toolbar. This toolbar is typically located just above the actual spreadsheet and under the main menu.3. Select the color you want from the menu that appears. If the color you want is not in the menu, click on 'More colors.' Under the 'Standard' tab you can select from a larger...
Friday, November 25, 2011
How to Restore Data on Microsoft Excel
1. Run 'Detect and Repair' if you are using Excel 2003 or earlier. Go to the 'Help' menu and select 'Detect and Repair.' Clear the checkboxes and click start. Detect and Repair will scan the program and make certain repairs, which may restore the missing data.2. Run 'Diagnostics' in Excel 2007. Start Excel and click the 'Office Button.' Select 'Excel Options.' Select 'Resources,' 'Diagnose,' and then 'Continue.' Click on 'Start Diagnostics.' Diagnostics will scan Excel for potential problems and repair what it can.3. Recover data when Excel stops responding. Go to the 'Start' menu, point...
How to Create Spread Sheets in Excel 2007
1. Click on the 'Office' button. This is the round button with the Microsoft logo at the upper left-hand corner of the ribbon menu.2. Click 'New' to create a new spreadsheet.3. Click on the icon for 'New Blank Workbook' in the center pain of the menu that pulls up. If there is no icon for 'New Blank Workbook,' make sure that 'Blank and Recent' is highlighted. You can also click on the button at lower right that reads 'Creat...
How to Calculate Time Duration in Excel 2007
1. Format the relevant cells as time by selecting them and choosing 'Time' from the Number group drop-down menu in the Home tab.2. Enter a start time and an end time in different cells, such as the start time in cell A1 and the end time in cell B1. Ensure Excel hasn't misinterpreted either time, such as making '9:15 pm' read '9:15 am.' If necessary, type 'am' or 'pm' after the times or use a 24-hour clock, typing '21:15' instead of '9:15 pm.' Investigate Excel's Help menu on 'time of day' if necessary to learn more about these formats.3. Subtract the start time from the end time to calculate...
How to Learn Excel 2007
1. Purchase a copy of Microsoft Excel or download a 60-day free trial of Microsoft Office Professional, which includes Excel 2007.2. Visit the Microsoft Office website to access dozens of free online Excel 2007 training courses. Take the free 40-minute course called 'Up to speed with Excel 2007.' This course teaches the basics, such as how to use common commands and save workbooks. Take the test at the end of the course to assess how much you have learned.3. Take the online Excel course called 'Get to Know Excel 2007: Create your first workbook.' The course will teach you how to create a...
How to Install Analysis ToolPak for Excel 2003
1. Open any Excel document.2. Navigate to the 'Tools' menu. Click on 'Add-Ins.'3. Select the check box next to Analysis ToolPak under 'Add-Ins.' Click 'OK.'4. Click 'Yes' to install Analysis ToolPak if you see the message 'Analysis ToolPak is not currently installed on your computer.' Analysis ToolPak will be installed.5. Click on 'Tools' under the menu bar. Open a new Excel document. You will see that the data analysis command listed, which indicates the program has been added proper...
How to Combine Column and Scatter Charts in Excel
1. Open the Excel worksheet with the data you wish to chart.2. Click and drag the cursor to select the data series and the categories.3. Click the “Insert” tab on the command ribbon.4. Click the “Column” menu to display a gallery of column thumbnail images.5. Click the preferred image. The worksheet data converts to an embedded column chart.6. Right-click on one data series in the plot area that you wish to convert to a scatter chart.7. Click the “Change Series Chart Type” option. The “Change Chart Type” dialogue window opens with a gallery of chart images.8. Click the “X Y (Scatter)”...
How to Change the Order of the Legend in an Excel Chart
1. Right-click on one of the names listed on your legend.2. Click on the 'Select Data' option from the list that appears.3. Click on the entry you want to move in the 'Legend Entries (Series)' box.4. Click the 'Up' or 'Down' arrows in the box to change the position of the legend. Click 'OK' when finished to save your chang...
How to Create a Searchable Database in Excel
1. Type the following data into a new spreadsheet, pressing 'Tab' in place of the commas. This data is for a hypothetical art supply store. Click your mouse on the data's top left cell, then drag down to the bottom right cell to select the data. Type 'ArtProducts' in the left text box above the worksheet grid. This action names the table, which makes it easier to identify in database queries.product, pricepaintbrush, 1.98Gesso, 3.452. Click the 'File' menu's 'Close' command, then click 'OK' to indicate you want to save the workbook. Type 'ArtProduct' for the file name, then click 'Save' to...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
How to Print a Long Row on One Page in MS Excel
1. Highlight the row you want to print.2. Select 'Page Layout' and then 'Print Area.'3. Click 'Set Print Area.'4. Select 'Scale to Fit' under the 'Width' and 'Height' drop-down me...
How to Convert Microsoft Excel 2003 to 2007
Using Microsoft Excel XP or Excel 20031. Open a Web browser window and navigate to the Microsoft Windows Update website. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install all high-priority updates for your operating system version.2. Navigate to the Microsoft Download Center page for the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. Click the 'Download' button and save the installer file to your computer.3. Close all open Microsoft Office programs.4. Double-click the icon of the installer file you downloaded previously. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Office Compatibility...
How to Use Excel's MONTH Function
1. Learn the syntax of MONTH. It is MONTH (start_date) where start_date is the date for which you are trying to find the month.2. Enter start_date using the DATE function or some other function that returns a date to prevent the problems that can occur when a date is entered as text. For example, DATE(2007,4,12) would be used for April 12, 2007.3. Observe that Excel uses serial numbers internally to store dates. This is a number that represents the number of days beginning from a default date. Windows uses January 1, 1900, as serial number 1 and Excel for the Macintosh uses January 2, 1904,...
How to Edit Charts in Excel 2010
1. Open the spreadsheet containing your chart in Microsoft Excel 2010.2. Click anywhere on the chart to enable the Chart Tools, which consist of the Design, Layout and Format menu tabs.3. Click the 'Design' tab to edit the appearance of your chart. Clicking 'Change Chart Type' allows you to select a different format, such as Column, Line or Pie charts. To choose chart data or add a new data series, use the 'Select Data' group. Clicking an option from the Chart Layout group applies a design template that alters the positioning of labels and data. Clicking an option from the Chart Styles group...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
How to Remove Blank Cells in Excel 2007
1. Select the range of cells that contains blanks to remove.2. Click 'Find Select,' at the far right of the Home tab.3. Choose 'Go to Special....'4. Click the 'Blanks' radio button in the resulting window.5. Click 'OK' to close the window and highlight all blank cells in the selected range.6. Click the 'Delete' arrow button on the Home tab and choose 'Delete Cells....'7. Choose an option for filling in the blanks: Shift cells left or up, or delete entire rows or colum...
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