Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Set Up a Linear Program in Excel 2007

Linear Program Setup
1. Enter a title for your linear program in cell A1. Enter labels for your variables in cells C3 and D3.
2. Type your variable coefficients in cells C5 and D5. List each coefficient in the column that corresponds to its respective variable.
3. Create a border around cells C6, D6 and B7. Cells C6 and D6 will be used to display the optimal solutions for your variables, and cell B7 will be used to show the value of the objective function given the optimal variable values.
4. List your constraints beginning with cell C9 and continuing down one row for each constraint. Use a different cell for each element of your constraints, including the inequality symbols, but excluding the operator symbols, such as the plus or minus symbol.For example, if one of your constraints is 3x1 6x2
5. Type the heading 'LHS' under your constraints in column C, and type the heading 'RHS' beside it in column D. List the right-hand-side values of your constraints vertically under the RHS heading, and create borders for each corresponding cell under the LHS heading. The LHS cells will be used to display the actual left-hand-side values of your constraints for the optimal solution.
6. Enter the formula '=SUMPRODUCT(C5:D5,C6:D6)' in cell B7, the optimal solution output cell. This formula will calculate the value of the objective function given the optimal values of the variables.
7. Enter the formula '=SUMPRODUCT(C9:D9,$C$6:$D$6)' in the first cell under your LHS heading, and copy the formula into each additional left-hand-side value output cell under the LHS heading. This formula will calculate the actual value of your constraints given the optimal values of the variables.
Linear Program Solution
8. Click 'Data -> Solver' to bring up the 'solver parameters' dialog box. Set the target cell to '$B$7,' the objective function value output cell. Set the solver to maximize or minimize the function, based on the purpose of your linear program.
9. Enter the constraints into the solver parameters dialog box. Begin by clicking 'Add' for each individual constraint. For each constraint, enter the cell reference for the corresponding cell under your LHS heading in the cell reference box, choose the proper inequality symbol from the drop-down box in the center, and enter the cell reference for the corresponding cell under your RHS heading.
10. Back in the solver parameters dialog box, click 'Options' to open the solver options dialog box. Click 'Assume Linear Model' and 'Assume Non-Negative,' then click 'OK.'
11. Click 'Solve' in the solver parameters dialog box, and Excel 2007 will fill in the optimal solution, the value of the objective function, and the actual left-hand-side values of your constraints.
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How to Change Your Header Margins on Word

1. Double-click the Word document's header.
2. Change the top margin by editing the number--which is measured in inches--in the 'Header from top' setting in the 'Position' section on the Ribbon.
3. Change the bottom margin by editing the number--also measured in inches--in the 'Header from bottom' setting in the 'Position' section on the Ribbon.
4. Click 'Page Layout' on the top of the program. The options in the 'Page Layout' Ribbon lets you change the left and right indentations.
5. Change the left indent by editing the number in the 'Left Indent' listing in the 'Paragraph' section of the Ribbon.
6. Change the right indent by editing the number in the 'Right Indent' listing in the 'Paragraph' section of the Ribbon.
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How to Make a T

1. Start Microsoft Excel. Press 'CTRL N' to create a new workbook.
2. Type 'Data1' and 'Data2' in cells 'A1' and 'B1,' respectively. You may replace these with your preferred variable names.
3. Enter your first set of data in column 'A,' starting from cell 'A2.'
4. Enter your second set of data in column 'B,' starting from cell 'B2.' Make sure that both columns have the same number of cells. For instance, if column 'A' contains five entries, column 'B' should also have five entries.
5. Highlight all non-empty cells (including the variables) and then press 'CTRL SHIFT F3.'
6. Select the cell below the last number in column 'A.' Type '=T.TEST' and then press 'CTRL A.' This opens a dialog box where you can enter parameters for the function.
7. Enter 'Data1' and 'Data2' into the 'Array1' and 'Array2' boxes, respectively.
8. Enter 1 into the 'Tail' box if you'd like to use one-tailed distribution. Otherwise, enter 2.
9. Enter the kind of test you'd like to perform in the 'Type' box. Use any of the values below.1 - Paired t-test2 - Two-sample equal variance3 - Two-sample unequal variance
10. Click on 'OK' to view the result of your formula.
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How to Reset Shortcut Keys in Microsoft Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2003 and click on the 'Tools' menu. Then click on 'Customize.' Ensure that the toolbar you want to reset is visible by clicking the 'Toolbars' tab in the 'Customize' box and selecting the toolbar of the shortcut keys that you want to reset.
2. Click on 'Customize Keyboard' while inside the 'Customize' box.
3. Choose to 'Reset All' while inside the 'Customize Keyboard' dialog box. Then click on 'Yes' when prompted to 'Reset All.'
4. Click on 'Close' and then 'Close' again to exit out of the 'Customize' box.
5. Change an individual shortcut key by clicking on 'Commands' while inside the 'Customize' box. Then click the button on the toolbar and choose 'Modify Selection.'
6. Type a name for the menu command in the 'Name' box. Use an ampersand before the letter you want to use as the keyboard shortcut. Then press 'Enter.'
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to Use an Excel Workbook Over a Network

Microsoft Excel 2003
1. Create the workbook and make sure you include any final changes, as certain features in Excel cannot be changed after the workbook is shared. The most important features to create before sharing are conditional formats, subtotals, data tables, worksheet and workbook level protection and macros.
2. Designate user settings by clicking 'Tools' on the menu bar, then clicking 'Share Workbook.' Click the 'Editing' tab in the 'Share Workbook' dialogue box. Click the 'Allow changes by more than one user at the same time' check box.
3. Click the 'Advanced' tab and create settings for when to save the file and how to handle change conflicts between users.
4. Click 'OK,' then save the workbook when Excel prompts.
5. Share your workbook. Click 'File' then 'Save as...' on the menu bar. Navigate to the network location accessible to each user and save the workbook to your network.
Microsoft Excel 2007
6. Create the workbook and make sure you include any final changes, as certain features in Excel cannot be changed after the workbook is shared. The most important features to create before sharing are conditional formats, subtotals, data tables, worksheet and workbook level protection and macros.
7. Click the 'Review' tab, then click 'Share Workbook' in the 'Changes' group. This opens the 'Editing' dialogue box.
8. Create your settings. Click the 'Allow changes by more than one user at the same time' check box in the 'Share Workbook' dialogue box.
9. Click the 'Advanced' tab and create settings for when to save the file and how to handle change conflicts between users.
10. Click 'OK,' then save the workbook when Excel prompts.
11. Share your workbook. Click the Microsoft Office Button, then click 'Save as...' Navigate to the network location accessible to each user and save the workbook to your network.
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How to Unhide a Very Hidden Sheet in Excel 2003

1. Open a workbook that you wish to unhide. Press 'Alt' 'F11' to open Visual Basic Editor.
2. Click 'View,' then click 'Project Explorer.' Click 'View' and click 'Properties' to open the 'Project Explorer' and 'Properties' windows that will give you a view of the very hidden worksheets.
3. Select the very hidden sheet in the 'Project Explorer' window and find the very hidden sheet in the 'Properties' window within the 'Visible' tab. Under the 'Properties' window, make the very hidden worksheet visible by selecting this code in the box '-1 --- xlSheetVisible.' You have now unhidden a very hidden sheet in Excel 2003.
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How to Balance a Checkbook Using Excel

1. Open the Excel program from your start menu or by double clicking a shortcut on your desktop.
2. Label your headings on the top row and leave open columns between your headings. A1 should be labeled 'Method;' B1 should be blank; C1 should be 'Date;' D1 should be blank; E1 should be 'Description;' F1 should be blank; G1 should be 'Debit;' H1 should be blank; I1 should be 'Credit:' J1 should be blank; K1 should be 'Balance;' L1 should be blank; and M1 should be 'Cleared.'
3. Change your blank column widths to separate the data you will insert later. Click on the first blank column (B), hold the 'Ctrl' button down and click on the other blank columns, (D, F, H, J; L). They will be highlighted in black. Right click your mouse on any black column. A drop down bar will open, click on 'Column Width.' Change to '2' and click 'OK.'
4. Change your other Column Widths that will hold data to the size you desire. The most noticeable change will be the 'Description' column. Change this to a Column Width of '27' so it can hold enough text to record your information.
5. Format cells to hold currency. Click on 'G,' hold down the 'Ctrl' button and click on 'I' and 'K.' Right click on one of the black highlighted columns to see the drop down bar. Select 'Format Cells.' On the 'Number' tab, select 'Currency' and choose your decimal places and dollar sign. This will make your form consistent.
6. Insert your starting balance. On the first row, you want to insert only your starting balance in the 'K2' cell. This will be the number all your debits and credits will be added or subtracted from.
7. Insert your data beginning with Row 3. Check #'s, ATM, Deposit and other methods will be entered in Column A. Insert the date of the transaction (you may format this column by right clicking on 'C,' 'Format Cells' and selecting the date format you prefer). Enter the description and amount in the appropriate columns.
8. Create a running balance. Click on cell 'K3.' On the toolbar, click on the Auto Sum button which appears as a Greek letter 'E.' A dotted, moving block will appear on 'K2,' and you will see a bar under the toolbars with =SUM(K2). Insert your command after the K2: =SUM(K2-G3 I3) and click 'Enter.' You have formatted your cell data.
9. Format the 'Balance' column to update as you enter data. Click on the K3 cell, hold down the 'Ctrl' button and click the letter 'C' on the keyboard. This copies the format of that cell. Click on the K4 cell, hold down the 'Ctrl' button and click the letter 'V' on the keyboard. This pastes the format into that cell. Repeat the paste process as far down as you prefer.
10. Reconcile your Excel spreadsheet to your monthly bank statement. Put an 'R' in the Cleared column to indicate that an entry matches your bank statement and has been added or subtracted to your balance.
11. Verify your balance. Your bank statement may be different from your Excel balance. Certain transactions may not have cleared the bank that you have recorded. Take your Excel balance, and add or subtract any amounts that do not have an 'R' beside them to your Excel balance. This total should match your bank statement balance.
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How to Add or Delete an Excel Worksheet

1. Open Microsoft Excel and open the file you want to change.
2. To add a worksheet, open the Insert menu and select Worksheet. The new sheet will appear before the selected sheet in the tab menu at the bottom of the Excel window. It will be numbered.
3. To delete a worksheet, first select the sheet by clicking its tab at the bottom of the Excel window, then open the Edit menu and select Delete Sheet. Click OK to delete the worksheet.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to Plot a Time vs. Growth Graph in Excel 2007

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007.
2. Place all the 'Time' values in one column, for example, column A. Place all the 'Growth' values in an adjacent column, column B. The 'Time' values become the x-axis values while the 'Growth' values are the y-axis values.
3. Click the first cell included then drag your mouse towards the last included cell to select the range of values to be included.
4. Click the 'Insert' tab from the menu bar. Go to the 'Charts' menu and click 'Scatter.'
5. Click 'Chart Area' to display the 'Chart Tools,' 'Design,' 'Layout' and 'Format' tabs.
6. Go to the 'Design' tab and select the style you want to use.
7. Type the main title for your chart under 'Chart Title.' For example, you can use 'Time vs. Growth' as the main title.
8. Click the 'Layout' tab and then click 'Axis Titles.' Select the 'Primary Horizontal Axis Title' and put 'Time' as the title for the x-axis. Click the 'Primary Vertical Axis Title' and put 'Growth' as the title for the y-axis.
9. Press 'Enter' to create the chart.
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

How to Put Bullets in an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open the Excel 2010 spreadsheet in which you want to add bullets.
2. Click on the cell where you want to add bullets. If there is already text in the cell, you will need to click on the formula bar above the spreadsheet. Place your cursor where you want the first bullet to go.
3. Hold down the 'Alt' button and press '7' on the numeric keypad. This will not work with the numbers above the keypad, so if you have a laptop without a dedicated numeric keypad, you will need to hold down the 'Function' button as well and type the letter that has 7 as an alternate. The bullet point appears.
4. Add the bullet point to adjacent cells by clicking and holding the mouse button over the bottom right corner of the cell. Drag the mouse to the right or down, and when you release the mouse button, all of the cells between where you started and where you released the button will be identical to the original cell.
5. Create a second bullet point in the original cell by clicking on the cell and then placing the cursor at the end of the first line of text, or right after the first bullet if there is no text. Hold down the 'Alt' button and press 'Enter.' Your text and bullet point will look like they disappeared, but they just moved up a line as you created a new text line in that cell. Press 'Alt' and '7' again to add another bullet point, and continue until you have all of the bullets that you need. You can move up and down between lines in a cell by using the arrows at the right end of the formula bar. You can also press the drop-down arrow at the end of the bar to expand the bar so that you can see three lines at once.
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How to Hide Column Letters Numbers in Excel

1. Open your document in Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the 'View' tab on the Office ribbon.
3. Uncheck the 'Headings' check box to hide the column and row headings.
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How to Create a Time Chart

1. Double-click on the Excel 2010 icon to open up the program. The program will start with a new spreadsheet.
2. Click on cell A1 and enter the column header for the time column. This will generally be 'Year,' 'Month,' 'Day' or simply 'Time,' although you can make the header anything you want. Then click on cell B1 and enter the header for your data column.
3. Enter your time information into column A, starting at cell A2. Then enter the data you are tracking into column B, starting at cell B2.
4. Click on cell A1 and hold the mouse button as you drag the mouse to the last entery in column B. Release the mouse button and the entire data set will be selected.
5. Click on the 'Insert' tab at the top of the screen. Then click the 'Scatter' button in the 'Charts' area. Select any of the five scatter charts, although it is usually easier to view the data if you choose one of the two options that include both lines and markers. Excel 2010 will now create the chart for you.
6. Click on the 'Quick Layout' button on the ribbon at the top of the screen and choose 'Layout 1' to include your column headers on the graph.
7. Right-click on the time data located just below the chart and choose 'Format Axis' from the drop-down menu. Then change the 'Minimum' and 'Maximum' levels to remove empty space at the beginning and end of your chart. Select 'Close' when you are done.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to Create a Macro in Excel 2010

1. Identify a complex series of commands you frequently give Microsoft Excel. For example, you could create a macro for formatting a group of cells with 8-point, blue Times New Roman font.
2. Choose the 'File' tab. Click 'Options' and 'Customize Ribbon.' Select the 'Developer' check box in the 'Main Tabs' list to easily access the macro creation tool.
3. Click 'Macro Security' on the 'Developer' tab. Enable macros under the 'Macro Settings' area.
4. Click 'Record Macro' to open a window and create a new macro in Excel.
5. Enter a unique name for your macro. Choose a name that begins with a letter, contains no spaces and accurately describes the macro's function.
6. Select an area to store the macro by changing the 'Store Macro In' field. Create a brief description of the macro so that you can remember its purpose later. Click OK to close the window and begin recording.
7. Perform the series of functions you want to record. Perform each mouse click, keystroke or other function in the proper order to ensure that the macro will work properly.
8. Click 'Stop Recording' when you have finished your series of commands. Microsoft Excel automatically saves the macro when you click this button.
9. Test the macro by selecting an area upon which you want the macro to operate. Select the macro and press 'Run.' Ensure that the macro performs its function correctly.
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How to Create a Budget in Excel

1. Go online to the official download website for Microsoft Office.
2. Scroll down the page to the 'Browse Templates' section. Click 'Budgets.'
3. On the left column of the site, navigate to the 'Filter by Product' section. Select 'Excel' from the drop-down menu.
4. Browse the available budget templates. Choose a template with a layout and design that suits your budgeting needs.
5. Click the link for your selected budget template and click the 'Download' button. Once you accept the Microsoft Service Agreement, your template will begin downloading.
6. Open your downloaded template in Microsoft Excel. Customize the colors, fonts, margins and content to your budgeting and financial requirements.
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How to Create a Spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel

Using Microsoft Excel 2003 or earlier
1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Click 'File' in the top menu bar and select 'New.'
3. Select the 'General' tab and double-click the 'Workbook' item to create a blank spreadsheet. Alternately, select the 'Spreadsheet Solutions' tab to view the program's default templates. Create a new spreadsheet based on a template by double-clicking its icon.
4. Click on a cell within the spreadsheet and begin typing to insert a data point. Press the 'Enter' or 'Tab' key after entering your data to confirm the value. Repeat the process until all data points have been entered.
5. Click 'File' and select 'Save.' Give the file a name, select a save location, and click 'Save' to complete the process.
Using Microsoft Excel 2007
6. Open Microsoft Excel.
7. Click the round 'Office' button at the top-left corner of the window and select 'New.'
8. Select the 'Blank and recent' tab and double-click the 'Blank Workbook' item to create a blank spreadsheet. Alternately, select any tab below the 'Microsoft Office Online' heading to view templates by category (e.g., 'Calendars,' 'Expense Reports,' 'Inventories'). Create a new spreadsheet based on a template by double-clicking its icon.
9. Click on a cell within the spreadsheet and begin typing to insert a data point. Press the 'Enter' or 'Tab' key after entering your data to confirm the value. Repeat the process until all data points have been entered.
10. Click the 'Office' button and select 'Save.' Give the file a name, select a save location and click 'Save' to complete the process.
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