Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to Make Excel Reports

1. Open the Excel program to display a new worksheet.
2. Click the “File” tab on the command ribbon to display a list of commands.
3. Click “New,” then a gallery of “ Templates” appears.
4. Click the “Reports” link, then a list of folder icons appears.
5. Click the preferred folder such as “Financial Records,” “Logs” or “Human Resource Records.” A gallery of thumbnail images appears.
6. Click the preferred report image to display a larger image in the preview pane to the right.
7. Click “Download” in the right pane. The template copies to the new worksheet.
8. Click in a cell and type your data. Use the Excel editor commands to customize the look of this report. For example, select a 'Font' and 'Fill Color' command on the 'Home' tab.
9. Save this Excel Workbook. On the “Save As” dialog box, click a file location in the left pane. For example, “Desktop” or a named folder. Type a file name in the “File name” text box. Click “Save.”
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How to Set Margins in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel and open an existing spreadsheet on which you would like to set the margins.
2. Choose the 'File' menu and click 'Page Setup' to open the 'Page Setup' dialog box. The 'Page Setup' dialog box can be used to set up your page just how you would like it to appear.
3. Click on the 'Margins' tab at the top of the 'Page Setup' dialog box to show the margins for the spreadsheet that you currently have option.
4. Set the 'Left,' 'Top,' 'Right,' 'Bottom,' 'Header' and 'Footer' margins by clicking within the text box underneath each option to highlight the current margin setting.
5. Type a new measurement for whichever margins you would like to change or use the arrows to move up and down throughout the measurements you can select for each option.
6. Notice as you update each margin the preview in the center of the screen will change to reflect your new margin settings.
7. Use your mouse to click the 'OK' button to close the 'Page Setup' dialog box and set the margins you have chosen for your current Excel spreadsheet.
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Saturday, August 13, 2011

How to Create a Currency Converter With Microsoft Excel

1. Select the currency you want to convert to.
2. Find the current conversion rate. Sites such as Yahoo's currency converter will list the latest currency conversion rate for the various international currencies. Several sites offer this service, so perform an Internet search for the site you feel most comfortable with.
3. Open Microsoft Excel. Label the first three columns in the Excel spreadsheet as 'Current Currency,' 'Currency Conversion Factor' and 'Converted Currency.' You don't have to label the columns as indicated here, but for instructional purposes, it makes it easier to identify the column's contents. You can label them A, B and C if you'd like.
4. Insert the amount of the currency you wish to convert in the first column (Current Currency). If you're converting $453 US dollars into another currency, insert that amount in the first column.
5. Place the currency conversion factor in the second column.
6. Create a formula in the third column. Insert this formula in the third column ' column1/cell1 * colum2/cell1.' In this example, assuming you did not skip a row after your title, your dollar amount will be in A2 and your conversion amount will be in B2; therefore, your formula will read ' A2* B2.' Be sure to hit the 'Enter' key once you've put in the formula. It will automatically convert the currency.
7. Add formatting. If you want your converter to look nice, format the column by bolding, underlining or adding color.
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How to Import More Than 65,536 Rows in Excel 2003

1. Click 'Tools,' select 'Macro' and choose 'Macros.'
2. Type a name for your macro in the 'Name' field, such as 'LargeFileImport,' and click 'Create.' The Visual Basic Editor will open automatically.
3. Double-click '(Name) Module' in the 'Properties' window and type 'LargeFileModule.'
4. Click the ' ' icon next to 'Microsoft Office Excel Objects.'
5. Double-click 'LargeFileModule' to open the 'Code' window.
6. Copy and paste the following into the 'Code' window:Sub LargeFileImport()'Dimension VariablesDim ResultStr As StringDim FileName As StringDim FileNum As IntegerDim Counter As Double'Ask User for File's NameFileName = InputBox('Please enter the Text File's name, e.g. test.txt')'Check for no entryIf FileName = '' Then End'Get Next Available File Handle NumberFileNum = FreeFile()'Open Text File For InputOpen FileName For Input As #FileNum'Turn Screen Updating OffApplication.ScreenUpdating = False'Create A New WorkBook With One Worksheet In ItWorkbooks.Add template:=xlWorksheet'Set The Counter to 1Counter = 1'Loop Until the End Of File Is ReachedDo While Seek(FileNum)
7. Click 'File' and select 'Close' to close the Visual Basic Editor.
8. Click 'Tools,' select 'Macro' and choose 'Macros.'
9. Select the 'LargeFileImport' macro from the 'Macros' dialog box and click 'Run.'
10. Enter the name of your file (myhugedocument.txt, for example) in the dialog box that appears. Excel will import the data, splitting it into multiple worksheets in order to circumvent Excel's line limit.
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How to Restore All Hidden Columns in Excel

1. Open the spreadsheet in Excel.
2. Click on the arrow in the top left corner of the Excel spreadsheet. This highlights all data in the workbook.
3. Click 'Format' in the 'Cells' menu along the top of the page. A drop-down menu appears.
4. Click 'Hide Unhide' under the 'Visibility' heading, then click 'Unhide Columns.' Changes are applied instantly and all columns are visible.
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Create a Simple Checkbook Register With Microsoft Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel. Type in 'Check Register' in cell A1. Center this across the columns you will be using, from A through G. Select cell A1, hold down the shift key and select cell G1. After you highlight it, go to 'Format' and 'Merge Cells.' Then select 'Center' which is under 'Format' and 'Cells.'
2. Skip a row and make the headings starting in cell A4. Type in 'Item Number,' move to the next column and type in 'Date,' move to the next column and type in 'Description of Transaction,' continue moving and typing the headings as follows: 'Payment,' 'Done,' and 'Deposit.' Go to cell G3 and type in 'Balance.'
3. Format the cells. In cell G4 select 'Format' and 'Cells' under 'Numbers' select 'Currency' and the way you want the dollar amount shown in the category. Go to cell B6. Hold the shift key down and page down a few times. Then select 'Format,' 'Cells' and 'Date' and then the way you want the date to look. Do the same for the 'Payment,' 'Deposit' and 'Balance' columns but format them for money. Alternatively, you can format them as numbers with two decimals.
4. Select the 'Balance' column again and put in the following formula in cell G6: '=G5 F6-D6'. Copy the formula down by using 'Auto Fill' or 'Copy' and 'Paste.'
5. Start entering your data beginning with your current balance in G4, and then adding each transaction as you make it. Don't forget to put in debit transactions as well as any bills that you pay online. Add in all your deposits too.
6. Play with and test the numbers, as you want to be sure that it's working correctly.
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How to Number the Rows in Excel 2007

Fill Column
1. Select the first cell in spreadsheet.
2. Type the starting value in that cell.
3. Type another value in the next cell to start sequence.
4. Select cells with values that you've typed inside.
5. Drag 'fill handle' to include number of cells that you want in your sequence.
ROW Function
6. Type '=ROW(A1)' into the first cell of the range you want to sequence. This will give you the number 1 in that cell.
7. Type specific number after '=ROW(A1)' to start numbering at a certain point. For example, typing '=ROW(A1),'2010-000' will create a starting number of 2010-001.
8. Drag 'fill handle' to include number of cells that you want in your sequence.
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How to Use MS Excel 2007 to Calculate Sum

1. Enter values into a row or column of cells.
2. Navigate to the cell you want the sum to appear. You may pick any cell, even one nowhere near the cells you want to sum.
3. Click the 'AutoSum' button in the Editing Box at the far right of the Home tab. Excel will enter the Sum Function in the active cell, including a range of cells to add.
4. Make certain the cell range is correct (notice the dashed box for a visual representation of the cell range). Press the Enter key to confirm the Sum function.
5. Drag through another range of cells if the range Excel entered is not the range you need summed. In other words, left click into the first cell you want in the equation and move the mouse through the additional cells. Press the Enter key to confirm the function.
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How to Copy Formulas in Excel

1. Determine what formula is to be copied and to what location it is to be copied. Carefully consider the cells that are to be referenced in the formula and that they are indeed the cells that contain the information to be acted upon by this formula.
2. Highlight a cell that has the formula in it and click the right mouse button. Select the 'Copy' option.
3. Move to the new destination cell for this formula, right click the mouse button and select 'Paste.'
4. Check the first cell to make sure the correct calculation has been performed. If not, check the formula that appears in the cell that contains the result of the formula that was just copied. Make sure that the formula references the correct cells. If not, correct the formula and then copy the corrected formula to the rest of the cells that should have this formula applied to them.
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How to Write Simple Macros in Excel

1. Go to the worksheet you want to insert a macro on.
2. Click 'Record New Macro' after clicking 'Macro' on the Tools menu.
3. Name the macro with keyboard shortcut or assign it to a toolbar. You can also add a description of the macro for reference later. These are all optional commands that you can do in the dialogue box, the next step in the wizard. If you don't want to do any of these things, you can skip the step all together and click 'OK' to start recording the macro. New macros are saved in the global template named by default and you can always assign a name or toolbar location after you've created the macro.
4. Start recording by clicking 'OK' and create the macro by going through each step as you normally would while doing the task.
5. Click the 'Stop Recording Button' when finished recording the macro. You can also press the 'Pause Recording Button' if you need to pause the recording.
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How to Determine Y Axis Values in an Excel 2003 Line Graph

1. Highlight the entire range, including the x-axis and y-axis values.
2. Click 'Insert' from the menu bar. Click 'Chart.' This launches the Chart Wizard. Alternatively, click the icon of a bar graph from the toolbar.
3. Select 'Line' under 'chart type.' Pick a sub-type from the right pane. Click 'next.' The wizard will generate a preview of your chart, guessing which values you want on the y-axis. The window will change to 'Step 2 of 4.' If the wizard correctly determined your values, click 'finish' to insert the chart.
4. Click the 'series' tab. One box will contain the cell numbers of the range Excel identified. It will look something like '=Sheet1!$B$3:$B$8.'
5. Click the icon at the right end of this box. It will contain a small red arrow. The wizard will appear to close, and the spreadsheet will return.
6. Highlight the data you want to select as your y-axis values. The wizard window will return.
7. To select y-axis values for additional data series, repeat Steps 5 and 6 for other boxes in the window.
8. Click 'finish.'
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to Publish Excel Web Pages

1. Double-click the spreadsheet you want to publish to open Excel. Make sure that you select the spreadsheet that contains the data you want published to the Web.
2. Click the 'File' button and then click the 'Save As' option. The Save As window displays on screen.
3. Select the 'Web Page' option for the file you're saving from the drop-down menu. Click the 'Publish' button. The Publish as Web Page dialog box displays on screen.
4. Click the 'Open published Web page in browser' check box and then click the 'Publish' button to open the data as a Web page in your browser.
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How to Move the Excel 2007 PivotTable Field List

1. Open the Excel workbook and navigate to the worksheet containing your PivotTable.
2. If the Field List is not visible on the screen, click the “Field List” button in the Show/Hide group. The Field List appears on the right side of the Excel window. Click “Field List” or the “X” at the far right of the title bar to hide the Field List.
3. Move the Field List by moving the mouse pointer to the title bar of the Field List, clicking and holding down the left-side mouse button and dragging the mouse across the screen. You may also left-click on the down arrow on the Field List title bar, click “Move” from the resulting menu and drag the mouse across the screen. Note that the Field List changes from a box as tall as the spreadsheet display to a shorter box when you drag it away from the right side of the window.
4. Moving the Field List or any task pane or toolbar to its original location with a set of toolbars or attached to one side of the screen is called “docking” it. Double click the PivotTable Field List title bar to return it to its previous docked position in the Excel window.
5. To dock the Field List on the left side of the window, click and drag the title bar across the screen until the box again becomes as tall as the spreadsheet display, and release the mouse button.
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How Do I Link to Cells That Move in an Excel Spreadsheet?

Merge Cells in Excel 2003
1. Open the Excel 2003 document that contains the cells that you want to link together. Highlight the cell that you want to keep together and stop from moving. You must make sure that the data is in the upper-left cell of a range of the selected sells to merge them together.
2. Click on the “Copy” option from the “Standard” toolbar menu, then click on the upper-left cell that is part of the range of cells you want to merge. Click on the “Paste” option.
3. Select the cells that you want to link together again. Go to the “Formatting” tool bar and click on the “Merge and Center” option. The cells will then be automatically linked together.
4. Change the text alignment in the merged cells by clicking on the “Align Left” or the “Alight Right” option from the “Formatting” tool bar menu.
5. Click on the merged cells and then click on the “Merge and Center” option at any time to split the merged cells. The data will still appear in the upper-left cell of the range.
Merge Cells in Excel 2007
6. Open the Excel 2007 that contains the cells that you want to link. Make sure that data you want to show is in the upper-left corner of the data range.
7. Click on the “Home” tab and then click on the “Merge and Center” option from the “Alignment Group.” The cells will then be automatically centered and linked.
8. Merge the cells without centering by clicking on the “Merge Across” or “Merge Cells” option from the “Alignment Group.” Click on the “Alignment” buttons in the “Alignment Group” section to change the alignment of the data in the cells.
9. Click on the “Merge and Center” button in the “Alignment Group” area at any time to split the linked cell back to the way it was before.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Use the Tangent Function in Excel

1. Open up the Excel worksheet where you want to use Excel's tangent function.
2. Select the cell where you want to determine the tangent of an angle.
3. Enter in the following formula:=TAN(X)where 'X' equals the angle you want the tangent for, in radians. If 'X' is listed in another cell, you can instead use a cell reference, like A1 or B12 for 'X.' If your angle information is in degrees, use this formula instead:=TAN(RADIANS(X))as the RADIANS formula will convert the angle to radians.
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