1. Open the Excel 2010 file that holds the data that you want to outline.
2. Insert summary columns into your data. These are the columns that will summarize the hidden numerical data when you outline is compressed. Right-click the column letter where you want to place the column and select 'Insert.' Select the cell next to the cells that you want to subtotal and enter in '=subtotal(9,X:Y)', where 'X' is the first cell in the range and 'Y' is the last.
3. Click the letter where you want to start your outline. Hold 'Shift' and select the letter where you want end your outline. If you have a summary column at the end of your data, do not include it in your selection.
4. Select the 'Data' tab from the top of the screen. Find the 'Outline' area and click the 'Group' button. A line will appear above the cells, with a '-' on one end. You can click the '-' to close the outline. Just click the ' ' button to open it again. Because your summary column was not included in your selection, it will remain visible when you close the outline.
5. Select additional columns within the overall outline selection. Click the 'Group' button again to group these columns together. Another line will appear, this time just below the first one.
6. Continue to group columns in the same manner until your outline is finished. Your outline can grow up to eight levels deep.
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