Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to Set Excel 2003 Print DPI

1. Launch Microsoft Excel 2003 and open the spreadsheet you want to print.
2. Open the 'File' menu at the top of the window and select 'Page Setup' from the drop-down list.
3. Go to the 'Page' tab at the top of the Page Setup window.
4. Click on the drop-down box next to 'Print Quality' and select the new DPI setting you want to use. The available DPI options will differ based on the type of printer you are using.
5. Click 'OK' to save the settings or press 'Print' to go directly to the main printing dialog box.
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How to Select All With Excel VBA Macros

1. Press 'Alt' and 'F11' together on your keyboard from within Microsoft Excel.
2. Open a new module by clicking on 'Open' and then 'Module.'
3. Copy and paste the following code into the blank window:Sub Macro1()'' Macro1 MacroCells.SelectRange('J1').ActivateEnd Sub
4. Press 'F5' to run the macro on your worksheet.
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How to Import a Selected Range of Cells Into Access From Excel 2003

1. Open the Excel 2003 spreadsheet that you want to import. Drag your cursor along the record selection buttons to the left of your cells until you encompass the intended records. Press 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the records, select another tab in your spreadsheet and press 'Ctrl' and 'V' to paste.
2. Label the second tab with a description so that you can recognize it from Access. Save your Excel spreadsheet after making all of your changes. Close your Excel spreadsheet and open the Access database.
3. Click the 'External Data' tab of the ribbon at the top of the page and select 'Excel.' If you are using Access 2003, click 'File,' then 'Get External Data' and then 'Import.' Locate the Excel spreadsheet saved on your computer and choose whether to add it to a new table or an existing table.
4. Choose the tab with the selected records out of the worksheet options in the import wizard. This option allows you to import single sheets from the same Excel file. Instead of needing to create a new spreadsheet for certain information, you can simply choose a certain sheet.
5. Specify the fields you want to import and the primary key if you're creating a new table. If your records don't have an appropriate field, Access can create a primary key field for you. Name the table and complete the import wizard.
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How to Remove Columns in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Activate the column that you want to remove by left-clicking on the column letter, located at the top of the spreadsheet. When you left-click on the column letter, it will highlight and activate the entire column.
2. Access the remove column properties box. To access this menu, simply right-click on the highlighted column that you wish to remove. A sub-menu will open.
3. Select the remove column attributes. Scroll to “Delete” in the column properties sub-menu. Left-click on it to remove the column.
4. Save the edited spreadsheet. Make sure to save your file after making any changes by accessing the “File” tab on the command bar and left-clicking on “Save.”
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How to Organize in Excel 2007

1. Open your Excel 2007 program. Right click the bottom of the program where is says 'Sheet 1.'
2. Click 'Rename' to give the worksheet a specific name. You can also rename the other available sheets or add more sheets by clicking the icon next to 'Sheet 3.' Multiple sheets allows you to organize different sets of data within the same spreadsheet, such as expenses and payments.
3. Type in the headers for your columns or rows to start adding data. For example, you might have separate columns for various types of expenses. You can add each expense to different rows along with the cost to organize the information more effectively.
4. Move your data into a table for even more organization power. Highlight the data you want in the table. Click 'Format as Table' from Styles. Choose a table layout. Your data will then be moved into a table, which makes sorting much easier.
5. Sum up totals for expenses, payments and other information with numbers or money easily. Highlight all the columns or rows you want to add up. Highlight one extra cell. From 'Formulas,' click 'AutoSum' and the numbers you highlighted will add up on the last cell.
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

How to Remove All Hyperlinks in an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open the spreadsheet you want to remove all the hyperlinks from.
2. Hit the “Alt' and “F11” keys to get to the Visual Basic Editor.
3. Click “Insert” on the task bar. Click “Module” from the drop-down menu. A box opens.
4. Paste the following command into the module box.Sub RemoveHyperlinks()
'Remove all hyperlinks from the active sheet
End Sub
5. Click “File” and “Close.” The macro is now ready for use in Excel.
6. Return to the Excel spreadsheet. Click “Tools” on the spreadsheet toolbar. Click “Macros' from the drop-down menu.
7. Click “RemoveAllHyperlinks” and then the “Run” button. The hyperlinks in the document disappear.
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How to Extend the Trend Line in Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2010.
2. Click the 'File' tab and select 'Open.' Select your file and click the 'Open' button.
3. Right-click the trend line in your spreadsheet file and select 'Format Trendline' from the menu.
4. Locate the 'Forecast' section under the 'Trendline Options.' Type a value in the 'Forward' field to extend the trend line forward, and type a value in the 'Backward' field to extend it backward.
5. Click the 'Close' button.
6. Click the 'Save' icon at the top of the window to save the changes to the file.
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How to Repair an Excel 2003 File

1. Open Excel by clicking on the 'Start' button and then 'All Programs,' 'Microsoft Office' and 'Microsoft Excel 2003.' The program will launch on your screen.
2. Click on 'File,' 'Open' to display the 'Open' dialog box.
3. Browse to the location of the corrupted Excel file and then click on it once to select it.
4. Click on the down arrow next to the 'Open' button at the bottom of the window to view a list of additional options.
5. Click on 'Open and Repair.' A dialog box will display on your screen, prompting you to decide whether you want to attempt to repair the document or extract the data only.
6. Select 'Repair' to attempt to open and repair the document. The system will alert you if the repair fails. In this case, repeat the steps, choosing 'Extract Data' instead of 'Repair' when prompted. This process will extract the data and formulas from your Excel workbook without retaining any of the formatting.
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to Change Cursor Highlight Cell Colors in Windows Excel 2007

1. Open the MS Excel workbook that you want to edit.
2. Click on the 'downward-pointing arrow' next to 'Fill Color' under the 'Font' group. The 'Font' group is a group of font-editing buttons on the Office Ribbon (the main toolbar). When clicking on the 'downward-pointing arrow' button, a drop-down color menu is displayed.
3. Click any of the colors listed under 'Theme Colors' or click 'More Colors.' Click a color in the hexagonal color diagram and click 'OK.' The color that you select will be set as the new highlighting color when you click the 'Fill Color' button under the 'Font' group. Click any cell and then click the 'Fill Color' button to highlight the cell with the color you selected.
4. Click on a cell with a highlighting color you want to apply to other cells, double-click on 'Format Painter' under the 'Clipboard' group and then click any other cell to apply the same highlighting color to the cell. Continue clicking cells to paint them with the selected highlight color and press the 'Escape' key when you are finished highlighting.
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How to Use Auto Complete in a Combo Box in Excel 2003

1. Launch the Microsoft Excel program on your PC computer and open the spreadsheet file in which you want to add a combo box.
2. Enter the values you want to use in the combo box anywhere on your spreadsheet. Use a separate cell for each value, but keep them together in a single column so that you can reference them later.
3. Go to the 'View' menu at the top of the window, expand the 'Toolbars' submenu and select 'Forms.' This will add several new elements to the main Excel toolbar, including the combo box.
4. Select the 'Combo Box' icon in the toolbar and then click on the area of your spreadsheet where you want to place the combo box item.
5. Hold down on the left mouse button and drag your pointer to the right to extend the size of the new combo box.
6. Right-click on the combo box you just created and choose the 'Format Control' option.
7. Fill in the 'Input Range' field with the location of the cells where you entered the desired autocomplete values in Step 2. Use a colon symbol to separate the first cell in the column from the last cell.
8. Press the 'OK' button to save the settings. As you begin to type in the combo box, Excel will autocomplete the text based on the values you have previously configured.
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How to Create a Scatter Plot Graph

1. Enter column headers in row 1. Put the variable that you want on the X axis in cell A1, and the variable you want on the Y axis in cell B2. For example, if you are making a scatter plot of height and weight, enter 'Height' in A1 and 'Weight' in B1.
2. Enter data. In our example, enter the height and weight of each person in a row, with height in column A and weight in column B.
3. Click 'insert,' 'scatter,' and then the 'graph' on the upper left. This is a scatter plot, but you may wish to modify it.
4. For a more standard scatter plot layout, choose 'layout 1' in the design menu, then click on the X-axis title and type in 'Height.' Click on the Y-axis title and type in 'Weight.' Delete the little box on the right that says 'weight.' Then click on the title of the graph and enter something appropriate, such as 'Height and weight.'
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to Add Collapsing Plus Signs in Excel Columns

1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2010 worksheet that holds your data.
2. Click on the column letter above the first column that you want to include in your outline. This will select the entire column. Hold the Shift key, then click on the column letter above the last column you want included in your outline.
3. Select the 'Data' tab at the top of the Excel window. Locate the 'Outline' area of the Ribbon and click the 'Group' button. You will see a line appear above your columns with a minus sign on the end of it.
4. Click on a column letter within your grouped cells, then hold Shift and select another column letter to create a second level of the outline. Click the 'Group' button again and a new line and minus sign will appear under the first one. Continue creating levels until you have created your entire outline, or until you reach eight levels, which is the maximum that Excel will allow.
5. Click the minus signs to hide the levels of columns and all that will remain above the columns headers is a set of plus signs.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to Open Excel 2007 in Excel 2003

1. Click the Windows 'Start' button, select 'All Programs' and then select 'Windows Update' if you use Windows Vista or Windows 7. If you use Windows XP, open a Web browser, navigate to the Microsoft Update website (see Resources) and click 'Express.'
2. Click 'Install' or 'Install Updates' to install all High-Priority or Required updates. Skip this step if your system is already up to date.
3. Open a Web browser window and navigate to the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack download page on the Microsoft website (see Resources).
4. Click the 'Download' button, and save the installer program to your desktop when prompted by your browser.
5. Close all open programs.
6. Double-click the icon of the installer program you just downloaded. If you use Windows XP, click 'Run.' If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7, confirm your identity, or provide your administrator user name and password and click 'OK,' when prompted to confirm your choice.
7. Check the box labeled 'Click here to accept the Microsoft Software License Terms,' and then click 'Continue.'
8. Click 'OK' to install the Compatibility Pack. If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7, confirm your identity, or provide your administrator user name and password and click 'OK,' when prompted to confirm your choice.
9. Click 'OK' after installation completes to close the installer program.
10. Open Microsoft Excel 2003.
11. Click 'File' in the top menu bar, and select 'Open.' Locate your XLSX file in the resulting window, and then open it by double-clicking its icon.
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Monday, June 20, 2011

How to Use a Drop Down Box in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel 2003 and highlight a group of cells. Select 'Data' on the menu bar and select 'Validation.' In the validation criteria tab, change the 'Allow drop down list' to 'List.' In the 'Source' list, type 'Apples, Bananas,Grapes.' Click 'OK.'
2. Click on one of the highlighted cells. Notice the drop down list.
3. Click the drop down list. Select one of the choices in the list.
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How to Delete Print Lines in Excel 2007

1. Select the worksheet or worksheets you want to print without the lines. To select one sheet, click on the tab at the bottom of the workbook. Select two or more sheets that are next to each other by clicking the first sheet, holding down the 'Shift' key and then clicking the last sheet. Select two or more sheets that are not next to each other by clicking the first sheet, holding down the 'Control' key and then clicking the tabs of the other worksheets.
2. Click the 'Page Layout Tab' on the ribbon at the top of the window. In the 'Sheet Option' group, click the box in front of the 'Print' option to remove the checkmark. The lines do not print when this is selected. If the option appears dimmed, you might have a spreadsheet or graphic in one of the worksheets selected. You will need to deselect it before you can change this option.
3. Print the gridlines by clicking in the box again if you change your mind about printing the lines. This will cause the lines to print on the spreadsheet.
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