Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Make a Guest List on an Excel Template

Open Excel. It doesn't matter if you are in a blank workbook or an existing spreadsheet. If you are using Excel 2003 or earlier, click 'File' and then 'New.' If you are in Excel 2007, click the Office button and then click 'New.'
Type 'Guest List' into the 'Search Online' box in the 'Templates' section if you are using Excel 2003. In 2007, click 'Microsoft Office Online' under templates, and then type 'Guest List' into the 'Search Microsoft Office Online for a Template' box. Click 'Go.'
Click on a template in the 'Search Results' box to preview it. When you have found the basic template you like, click the 'Download' button. The guest list template will open as a new Excel worksheet.
Make changes to the way your guest list looks. If you want to use a different graphic than the one on the template, click the picture to select it. Go to the 'Insert' menu of Excel 2003 and point to 'Picture,' and then click on 'Clip Art.' Go to the 'Insert' tab in Excel 2007 and click on 'Clip Art' in the 'Illustrations' group. Find a clip art that suits your event and insert it. You can format fonts and alter colors by selecting a cell or range, right clicking and choosing 'Format Cells.' Change text by clicking on the words you want to change, selecting them with your mouse and typing the text you want.
Save your guest list in your My Documents or another folder. Give it a name that pertains to your event, such as 'Party Guest List.' As you decide who you will invite, type the names and addresses in the appropriate location.
Sort your list after you have entered all of your guest information. This will help you make sure you didn't forget anyone, and also ensure that there are no duplicates on your list. Start by clicking the square between A and 1 in the top left corner of the guest list. This will select your entire sheet. In Excel 2003, go to the 'Data' menu and click 'Sort.' In Excel 2007, go to the 'Data' tab and click 'Sort.' Make sure 'Header Row' is selected and click 'OK.'
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to Add a Bullet in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel and open a spreadsheet.
2. Point to the cell that you want to add the bullet to with the mouse and double-click the left button to edit the cell.
3. Hold down the 'ALT' key and press the '7' key on the number pad. When you release these keys, a bullet will appear in the cell. When using a laptop keyboard, an additional key may be necessary if it does not have a number pad. The key sequence for a bullet on a laptop is 'ALT' 'Fn' '7.'
4. Hit 'ALT' then 'Enter' to go to the next line in a cell. Once your cursor moves to the next line, enter the bullet keystrokes to get a bullet on the next line. Repeat this sequence to add as many bullets as needed to a cell.
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How to Install Microsoft Excel Features

Microsoft Vista
1. Click on the 'Start' button, then click 'Control Panel.'
2. Click on 'Programs,' then click on 'Installed Programs.'
3. Click on 'Excel,' then click 'Change.'
4. Click 'Add or Remove Features' and 'Next.'
5. Click on the Microsoft Excel features you want, then click on 'Upgrade' or 'Install Now.'
Windows XP
6. Click on 'Start,' then click on 'Control Panel.'
7. Click on 'Add or Remove Programs,' then click 'Change or Remove Programs.'
8. Click on 'Excel,' then click on 'Change.'
9. Click 'Add or Remove Features,' then click 'Next.'
10. Click on the Microsoft Excel features you want and click on 'Upgrade' or 'Install Now.'
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How to Use the Excel OnTime Method

Specific Time
1. Click on the 'Developer' tab. If you do not see it, then click on the 'Microsoft Office' button. Click the 'Excel Options' button. Click on the 'Popular' tab. Check the 'Show Developer tab in the ribbon' check box. Click the 'OK' button.
2. Click the 'View Code' icon in the Controls section.
3. Type the following code:Private Sub Workbook_Open()Application.OnTime TimeValue ('13:00:00'), 'YourProcedure'End SubThis tells excel to run the procedure, or macro, named YourProcedure to run at 1 p.m.
Lapsed Time
4. Click on the 'Developer' tab.
5. Click the 'View Code' icon in the Controls section.
6. Type the following code:Private Sub Workbook_Open()Application.OnTime Now TimeValue ('00:05:00'), 'YourProcedure'End SubThis tells excel to run the procedure, or macro, named YourProcedure to run five minutes from now.
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Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Insert Footnotes in Excel 2003

1. Right-click on the cell that will link to the footnote. Select 'Hyperlink.'
2. Click 'Place in This Document' when the 'Insert Hyperlink' menu opens.
3. Enter the name of the cell that will include the footnote in the 'Type the cell reference' box. For example, if you were going to include the footnote in A27, you would type 'A27' here.
4. Click 'OK.'
5. Click on the cell (e.g., A27) that will include the footnote, and type the footnote information. The cell that you clicked on in Step 1 will now link to this cell when you click it.
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How to Insert a Row in Excel 2007

1. Click on any cell in the row below the location where you would like to insert a new row. For example, if you'd like to add a row above row 11, click on a cell in row 11.
2. Locate the 'Cells' group on the Microsoft Excel 'Home' tab. It is located at the upper-right-hand corner of the screen.
3. Click on the 'Insert' drop-down button located in the Cells group (the first button displayed).
4. Select the 'Insert Sheet Rows' option.
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How to Use Column Headings in Excel

How to Freeze Column Headings
1. Start Microsoft Excel. Open the worksheet in which you want to freeze the column headings.
2. Click inside of the first cell in the row just beneath the one containing the column headings.
3. Go to the 'Window' menu in Excel 2003 and select 'Freeze Panes.' Go to the 'View' tab in Excel 2007 or 2010 and click 'Freeze Panes' in the 'Window' group. Select 'Freeze Panes' from the drop-down list. Excel freezes the rows above and the columns to the left of the cell you select, so if your heading is in 'Row 1' and you click inside cell 'A2,' only the first row will freeze. When you scroll down the page, the row with the headings will be 'frozen' so that you can still view the headings as you move down the worksheet.
4. Unfreeze the row if desired. Go to the 'Window' menu in Excel 2003 and click 'Unfreeze Panes.' In Excel 2007 or 2010, go to the 'View' tab, click 'Freeze Panes' and select 'Unfreeze Panes.'
How to Print Column Headings on All Pages
5. Start Microsoft Excel. Open the worksheet in which you want to print the column headings.
6. Go to the 'File' menu in Excel 2003, click 'Page Setup' and go to the 'Sheet' tab. In Excel 2007 or 2010, go to the 'Page Layout' tab, click the 'Page Setup' dialog launcher in the bottom right corner of the 'Page Setup' section and go to the 'Sheet' tab.
7. Select the 'Row and Column Headings' check box in the 'Print' section of the dialog box in Excel 2003, 2007 and 2010 to ensure that the column headings print.
8. Click the button at the right end of the 'Rows to Repeat at Top' box in all versions of Excel. This reference button gives you access to the worksheet. Simply click the row number to select the row containing the column headings. Click the reference button once more. This enters the reference for the row number that you want to print into the 'Rows to Repeat at Top' box.
9. Click 'OK.' When you print the worksheet, the heading row will print at the top of every page.
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How to Calculate a Z

1. Open Excel 2007 and a blank spreadsheet.
2. Enter all of your data in one column. Each separate piece of data should be in its own cell.
3. Click on an empty cell within the spreadsheet and then calculate the mean of your data by entering an average function in the formula bar and hitting 'Enter.' The mean will be displayed in the empty cell. If your data was listed in cells B3 to B52, your function would look like this: 'Average (B3:B52).'
4. Click on another empty cell within your spreadsheet and then calculate the standard deviation of your data by entering a standard deviation function in the formula bar and hitting 'Enter.' If your data was listed in cells B3 to B52, your function would look like this: 'STDEV (B3:B52).'
5. Click on an empty cell in the spreadsheet and then click on the 'fx' button, located beside the formula bar. Enter the cell number that you would like to calculate a z-score for in the 'X' box. Enter the mean you calculated in Step 3 in the 'Mean' box. Enter the standard deviation you calculated in Step 4 in the 'Standard_dev' box.
6. Click 'OK.' The z-score for the number you entered in the 'X' box will be displayed in the empty cell you selected in Step 5.
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to Set a Date Range in Excel

Set Start and End Dates
1. Click any cell in an Excel spreadsheet, then click the 'Home' tab. Click the 'Short date' item from the dropdown list in the 'Numbers' panel. This tells Excel to display the number you entered in the cell as a date.
2. Type any date in the cell you just formatted, in this format 'm/d/yyyy.' For example, type '1/1/2001.'
3. Use the instructions from step 1 to format the cell two columns to the right of the first cell you formatted. Type the ending date of your range in this cell.
4. Click in the cell that's in between the two cells containing your dates, then click the '=' sign to tell Excel that you're entering a formula instead of a number or text. Click the cell with the ending date, the press '-' to indicate a subtraction calculation.
5. Click the start date, then press 'Enter.' Excel will enter the number of days between the start and the end dates.
Set Start Date and Duration
6. Click a cell in a spreadsheet, then click the 'Home' tab's 'Short date' item in the 'Numbers' panel.
7. Type the starting date of your range. For example, type '1/1/2001.'
8. Click the cell immediately to the right of your start date, then type the number of days you want for your date range. For example, if your range spans three days, type '3' in the cell.
9. Use the instructions from steps 1 to format the next cell to the right as a short date. Press '=' to indicate a formula, then click the start date's cell, followed by pressing ' .'
10. Click the cell to the left, then press 'Enter.' Excel will calculate the ending date of your range, by adding the start date to the number in the cell to the left, which is the number of days in your range.
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How to Return to Normal View in Excel 2007

1. Right-click anywhere on the Excel 2007 screen. A menu will pop up.
2. Use the cursor to highlight the 'Close Full Screen' option.
3. Click on the 'Close Full Screen' option. Excel 2007 will immediately return to normal view.
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How to Disable Scientific Notation in Excel 2003

1. Highlight the column into which your list will go.
2. Right-click anywhere in the highlighted column.
3. Choose 'Format Cells...: from the drop-down menu.
4. In the 'Number' tab, choose 'Text' from the 'Category' list. Import your data.
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How to Create a Pivot Table From Multiple Sheets

1. Open the Excel workbook that has the worksheets you want to use to create a Pivot Table. Click a blank cell that you aren't using in the Pivot Table report.
2. Start the Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Wizard by pressing the following keys 'ALT' 'D' 'P.' The Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Wizard box will open.
3. Check the box next to 'Multiple consolidation ranges' under the question that asks 'What is the data that you want to analyze?'
4. Check the box next to 'Pivot Table' when asked what type of report you want to create; click 'Next.'
5. Check the box next to 'I will create the page fields' and click 'Next.'
6. Select the ranges of data you want to use to create the Pivot Table. For example, click 'Sheet 1' and use your mouse to highlight the data you want to use from that sheet. After you select a range of data, click 'Add.' Select the next sheet you want to use data from and highlight the data and click 'Add.' Repeat this for each sheet that has data you want to use.
7. Check the box next to the number of page fields you want when you are asked how many page fields you want on the Pivot Table.
8. Enter an item label for each page field you chose to add and click 'Next.'
9. Decide whether you want to add the Pivot Table to a new or existing worksheet and click 'Finish.' The Pivot Table will open and you can begin manipulating the data.
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How to Hide the Standard Toolbars in Office

1. Click 'Start' > 'All Programs' > 'Microsoft Office,' and then click on the MS Office program you want to use.
2. Right-click on the blue question mark icon in the upper right-hand corner of the program window. The icon is on the same line as the 'Home' and 'Insert' tabs.
3. Choose 'Minimize the Ribbon.' The ribbon disappears.
4. Show the ribbon again by right-clicking the question mark icon and choosing 'Minimize the Ribbon.' (See the check mark next to 'Minimize the Ribbon' when minimize is active.)
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to Recover an Excel File from Autosave

1. Open Microsoft Excel to enable the recovery features available in the Office 2010 suite.
2. Recover a file you haven't yet saved. Select 'File,' and then 'Recent.' Choose 'Recover Unsaved Workbooks.' From the saved drafts folder that displays, choose your file and click 'Open.' Select the 'Save' icon and name your file to save it properly.
3. Recover a previous version of a file to which you forgot to save changes. Open the file upon which you were working. From the File tab, select 'Info.' From the versions listed, select the one labeled '(when I closed without saving).' Click 'Restore' to overwrite any previously-saved versions to this last autosaved version of your workbook.
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How to Move Excel Macros to Another PC

Copying the Workbook
1. Determine where your macros are saved. You can save the macros you create in the workbook you are currently using or in your personal workbook. If you want to use your macros across different workbooks, you are most likely saving them to the personal.xls workbook.
2. Copy the workbook where the macros are saved to your chosen storage medium.
3. Copy the workbook to the new computer and start using your macros.
Using the VBA Editor
4. Copy the actual macros themselves from the Visual Basic editor.
5. Go to Tools–Macro–Visual Basic Editor.
6. Go to the Modules folder in the Project window in the left-hand corner of the screen.
7. Open Module 1 and copy the code for the macros you wish to copy. Paste this into the notepad and copy to your chosen storage medium.
8. Repeat Step 2 on another computer and go to Tools–Macros.
9. Name your macro and paste the code from the notepad into the macro window. Press Create and close out of the Visual Basic Editor.
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