Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How to Use Cells in Countif on Excel 2003

1. Run the Microsoft Excel application and open the worksheet that you wish to edit.
2. Determine the cell addresses of the range that you want to count. For example, to count all instances of an object in the first 50 rows of column A you refer to cells A1:A50.
3. Click a cell that you want to use to perform the COUNTIF calculation and display the observed value.
4. Type the following in the cell:=COUNTIF(A1:A50, 7)Substitute the cell addresses of your range in place of 'A1:A50', and substitute the value that you wish to count in place of '7'. You can search for either a number value or a character string. In order to search for a character string you must surround the value with quotation marks. For example, this formula will count all cells in the range that contain the word 'Trouble':=COUNTIF (A1:A50, 'Trouble')Alternately, you can use a cell reference as your criterion. For example, the following search counts all items that match the value in cell B3:=COUNTIF (A1:A50, B3)
5. Press Enter. Excel will calculate the frequency of your search criterion in the data range and will display the observed value in the formula cell.

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